
  1. Make a really basic program with easy task like it is shown on [@fig:Ardublockly_to_Arduino_IDE].

How to copy c++ code from Ardublockly?{#fig:Ardublockly_to_Arduino_IDE}

  1. Open the Arduino IDE program.
  2. Copy-Paste all the c++ code from Ardublockly into Arduino IDE.
  3. Experiment with the c++ code.


  1. Why we need to compile the programming code?
  2. If in the code are some errors, where they can be noted?


Compiling the code

A compiler is just a program that converts your program written in terms you understand into a form your computer understands (e.g. from English to ones and zeros). The compiler must convert your source code to machine code.

Programming the microcontroller

Each time we change the programming code and want to run it on a microcontroler we need to send the machine code to the microcontroller first. This process is called programming.


Programming the microcontroller failed: can’t open device “/dev/ttyUSB0”

Check the USB connection with the Arduino controller.
Check the settings if the Board, Processor and Port are set wright.