PWM motor control

There is often the situation where the power of the motors must be controlled. One convenient way to do this is that we don’t power the motor full time, but we can turn off the motor for short period of time. For an example we can turn the motor on for 1 ms and turn it off for 1 ms. In this case the motor will not get 100% of power, but the motor’s average power will be 50%.

Since we are changing the pulse width of logical 1 with the respect to width of logical 0, this technique is called pulse width modulation or shorter PWM.

This modulated output is controlled by the analogWrite(pin, pwm) function. Modulatio can be performed on pins: 3, 5 and 6 of the RobDuino modul. The value of pwm parameter can be on a scale of 0 - 255., where 0 is 0% and 255 is 100% of electrical power served.


  1. Write new functions for driving the robot left and right with reduced power of the motors:
    • moveLeftPWM();
    • moveRightPWM();

    In one case you will might find yourself in trouble of controlling the power of the motor since both pins are not able to perform PWM output. In this case you can remember that the motor’s power is 0 W also if both pins are in state of logical 1.

    An example of reducing power of both motors in function moveForwardPWM() is here:

void robotForwardPWM()
  digitalWrite( LEFT_MOTOR_PIN_1, LOW);
  analogWrite(  LEFT_MOTOR_PIN_2, 150);
  digitalWrite( RIGHT_MOTOR_PIN_1, LOW);
  analogWrite(  RIGHT_MOTOR_PIN_2, 150);

Similar to this function you can write other functions to.

  1. Change the functions moveLeft() and moveRight() in S-R-A loop with new ones with less power on motors.
#include <RobotMovingFunctions.h>
const int LIGHT_SENSOR_PIN = A0;

void setup()

void loop()
  int light_sensor_value = analogRead(LIGHT_SENSOR_PIN );
  if ( light_sensor_value < SURFACE_BRIGHTNESS_REFERENCE ){
  } else {

: PWM motor control. {#lst:350_PWM_motor_control}

  1. Also add analogWrite(LEFT_MOTOR_PIN_A, 0); to function stopTheRobot() to stop the PWM control of the motor. And do similar code for the right motor.

  2. Add a parameter PWM_value to each function to set the duty cicle of the controlled output.
    • moveLeftPWM(int PWM_value)
    • moveRightPWM(int PWM_value)
  3. Save moveRightPWM(int PWM_value) and moveLeftPWM(int PWM_value) functions into header file RobotMovingFunctions.h


  1. How can we control the average power of the motor?
  2. How can we control the average power of the motor in both directions if we are not able to control PWM both output pins of the motor?
  3. Explain the purpose of programming function analogWrite(pin, pwm).
  4. Explain the meaning of the pin and pwm parameters in function analogWrite.





