Basic Course

Hoverer learning process will not be divided into three separate parts but it will consist of lectures and work exercises simultaneously. During the first part of course (cca. 45h) we will be discussing:

  1. What is robotics, branches of robotics, the role if robotics in education.
  2. Open electronic platforms suitable for learning robotics (eg Arduino, raspberry, etc.).
  3. Operation of the basic input and output functions of the robot controller with examples of use.
  4. An overview of the various programming environments for school projects on robotics.
  5. Using analogue to digital in digital to analogue conversion.
  6. Controlling various motors and other power systems.
  7. A review of basic electronic sensors important for robotics.
  8. S-R-A loop (sensing - reasoning - acting loop).
  9. Communication protocols between robotic systems.
  10. Assembly of programming devices (for example, mobile robot, lockable …) in conjunction with the controller, programming of operation.
  11. Planning, implementation and documentation of the project from robotics.
  12. The importance of robotics in motivating young people for science in technology, robotics competitions.
  13. Robotics as the starting point for an integrated approach to teaching science, technology, engineering and math (STEM).

Project time

The last part of the course (cca 15h) will be dedicated to your’s project. You will have to make and program a mobile robot which will have to solve different tasks e.g.:

  • follow the line and avoiding the obstacles
  • push the trash over the table edge
  • find the nearest obstacle and drive to it
  • find the way out from the maze
  • solve your own problem


  1. 50% - Exam/Oral interview
  2. 30% - Project
  3. 20% - Laboratory work