NVIDIA drivers and operation

2023-11-17: Inšteliral sem ArcoLinux z NVIDIA… Erik predlaga, da namestiš envycontrol.

Da izklopimo nvidia:

sudo envycontrol -s integrated

Izkazalo se je, da namesto 0.9h je bilo potem 1.5h.

Da ponastaviš v take nastavitve kot so bile pred envycontrol

sudo envycontrol --reset

da pa optimiziraš porabo…

sudo envycontrol -s hybrid


  • Intel HD Graphicd 630 (i915)
  • NVIDIA GF GTX 1050 Mo (GP107M) => NV137

Nazadnje je šlo nekaj narobe in v letu 2022 nvidia ni več delala tako sem preskusil naslednji postopek:

sudo pacman -S nvidia nvidia-utils nvidia-settings nvidia-prime

da preverimo katero grafično uporabljamo moramo namestiti mesa-utils in nato lahko preverimo z ukazom:

sudo pacman -S mesa-utils
glxinfo| grep "OpenGL rendere"

OpenGL renderer string: Mesa Intel(R) HD Graphics 630 (KBL GT2)

in če uporabimo nvidia grafično, program zaženemo s prime-run

prime-run glxinfo| grep "OpenGL rendere"

in nato lahko izbiraš katero grafično kartico boš uporabljal

yay -S optimus-manager
optimus-manager --switch nvidia
optimus-manager --switch integrated
optimus-manager --switch hybrid

težave z ffmpeg

prime-run mi ni želel zagnati ffmpeg-a našel sem namig, da je potrebno imeti naloženo knjižnico ffmpeg-full??

..:: stare nastavitve ::..


  • Intel HD Graphicd 630 (i915)
  • NVIDIA GF GTX 1050 Mo (GP107M) => NV137

      sudo pacman -S --noconfirm --needed nvidia
      sudo pacman -S --noconfirm --needed bbswitch
      trizen -S --noconfirm --needed nvidia-xrun-git

Load bbswitch module on boot

sudo tee /etc/modules-load.d/bbswitch.conf <<<'bbswitch'

Disable the nvidia module on boot:

sudo tee /etc/modprobe.d/bbswitch.conf <<<'options bbswitch load_state=0 unload_state=1'

After a reboot, the nvidia card will be off. This can be seen by querying bbswitch’s status:

cat /proc/acpi/bbswitch  

To force the card to turn on/off respectively run:

tee /proc/acpi/bbswitch <<<OFF
tee /proc/acpi/bbswitch <<<ON

Disable the NVIDIA modules to load.

sudo nvim /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf

…blacklist modules:

blacklist nvidia
blacklist nvidia-drm
blacklist nvidia-modeset
blacklist nvidia-uvm
blacklist nouveau

za silo me je rešil Chacdar

Problem solved by Chacdar Dustov. MANY THANKS!

With installing the NVIDIA drivers for GF GTX 1050

  • tearing is seen,
  • computer freezes randomly (with nouveau),
  • original drivers from NVIDIA leave me with black screen…


what I have installed currently is the

extra/nvidia-390xx-dkms 390.132-1

driver for the nvidia card. You should also install




For normal usage I use the Intel GPU and if I want to play some game, I switch the tty with ctrl+alt+(number grater than 1). In the console and run

nvidia-xrun openbox

(for example, or another desktop envidonment/window manager) and there I lounch heavier software on the GPU.

You can read this article: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Nvidia-xrun for how to configure the nvidia-xrun.

I suggest that you remove the nouveau and use bbswitch to switch off the Nvidia GPU on boot.

Could you please send me your /etc/X11/xorg.conf configuration file (its best to leave it empty).

Regards, Chavdar

David Rihtaršič Hi, THANK YOU! for showing me the road! WAW… this can not be more pleasing… Exactly this kind of functionality I was looking for. Since I have 90% of administrative work I can easily do with Intel GPU… the other 10% is designing in FreeCAD for what I want to use the GF GTX 1050. The consumption of battery went down significantly (cca 12W) with NVIDIA turned off - what gives me cca 3.5-4 hours of browsing and doing stuff here and there (before that I had less 2 hours).

I am not very fast with the progress because there is a lot of documentation that I am not familiar with yet and it takes time to read…

Installing the bbswitch and nvidia-xrun was crucial. I did not manage to install extra/nvidia-390xx-dkms since I got a conflict with nvidia-utils (I dont know when I installed it), but.. it is OK, nvidia drivers it seems to work to and I left /etc/X11/xorg.conf empty as you suggested (before I had a lot of stuff in there from nvidia-xconfig command). Tearing that I was mentioning was present with Intel GPU (and not with NVIDIA) and it was solved by Option “TearFree” “true” (as ArchWiki suggesting).

THANK YOU !!! Best Regards, David