😀 grinning face 😃 grinning face with big eyes 😄 grinning face with smiling eyes 😁 beaming face with smiling eyes 😆 grinning squinting face 😅 grinning face with sweat 🤣 rolling on the floor laughing 😂 face with tears of joy 🙂 slightly smiling face 🙃 upside-down face 😉 winking face 😊 smiling face with smiling eyes 😇 smiling face with halo 🥰 smiling face with 3 hearts 😍 smiling face with heart-eyes 🤩 star-struck 😘 face blowing a kiss 😗 kissing face ☺ smiling face 😚 kissing face with closed eyes 😙 kissing face with smiling eyes 😋 face savoring food 😛 face with tongue 😜 winking face with tongue 🤪 zany face 😝 squinting face with tongue 🤑 money-mouth face 🤗 hugging face 🤭 face with hand over mouth 🤫 shushing face 🤔 thinking face 🤐 zipper-mouth face 🤨 face with raised eyebrow 😐 neutral face 😑 expressionless face 😶 face without mouth 😏 smirking face 😒 unamused face 🙄 face with rolling eyes 😬 grimacing face 🤥 lying face 😌 relieved face 😔 pensive face 😪 sleepy face 🤤 drooling face 😴 sleeping face 😷 face with medical mask 🤒 face with thermometer 🤕 face with head-bandage 🤢 nauseated face 🤮 face vomiting 🤧 sneezing face 🥵 hot face 🥶 cold face 🥴 woozy face 😵 dizzy face 🤯 exploding head 🤠 cowboy hat face 🥳 partying face 😎 smiling face with sunglasses 🤓 nerd face 🧐 face with monocle 😕 confused face 😟 worried face 🙁 slightly frowning face ☹ frowning face 😮 face with open mouth 😯 hushed face 😲 astonished face 😳 flushed face 🥺 pleading face 😦 frowning face with open mouth 😧 anguished face 😨 fearful face 😰 anxious face with sweat 😥 sad but relieved face 😢 crying face 😭 loudly crying face 😱 face screaming in fear 😖 confounded face 😣 persevering face 😞 disappointed face 😓 downcast face with sweat 😩 weary face 😫 tired face 😤 face with steam from nose 😡 pouting face 😠 angry face 🤬 face with symbols on mouth 😈 smiling face with horns 👿 angry face with horns 💀 skull ☠ skull and crossbones 💩 pile of poo 🤡 clown face 👹 ogre 👺 goblin 👻 ghost 👽 alien 👾 alien monster 🤖 robot face 😺 grinning cat face 😸 grinning cat face with smiling eyes 😹 cat face with tears of joy 😻 smiling cat face with heart-eyes 😼 cat face with wry smile 😽 kissing cat face 🙀 weary cat face 😿 crying cat face 😾 pouting cat face 🙈 see-no-evil monkey 🙉 hear-no-evil monkey 🙊 speak-no-evil monkey 💋 kiss mark 💌 love letter 💘 heart with arrow 💝 heart with ribbon 💖 sparkling heart 💗 growing heart 💓 beating heart 💞 revolving hearts 💕 two hearts 💟 heart decoration ❣ heavy heart exclamation 💔 broken heart ❤ red heart 🧡 orange heart 💛 yellow heart 💚 green heart 💙 blue heart 💜 purple heart 🖤 black heart 💯 hundred points 💢 anger symbol 💥 collision 💫 dizzy 💦 sweat droplets 💨 dashing away 🕳 hole 💣 bomb 💬 speech balloon 👁️‍🗨️ eye in speech bubble 🗨 left speech bubble 🗯 right anger bubble 💭 thought balloon 💤 zzz 👋 waving hand 🤚 raised back of hand 🖐 hand with fingers splayed ✋ raised hand 🖖 vulcan salute 👌 OK hand ✌ victory hand 🤞 crossed fingers 🤟 love-you gesture 🤘 sign of the horns 🤙 call me hand 👈 backhand index pointing left 👉 backhand index pointing right 👆 backhand index pointing up 🖕 middle finger 👇 backhand index pointing down ☝ index pointing up 👍 thumbs up 👎 thumbs down ✊ raised fist 👊 oncoming fist 🤛 left-facing fist 🤜 right-facing fist 👏 clapping hands 🙌 raising hands 👐 open hands 🤲 palms up together 🤝 handshake 🙏 folded hands ✍ writing hand 💅 nail polish 🤳 selfie 💪 flexed biceps 🦵 leg 🦶 foot 👂 ear 👃 nose 🧠 brain 🦷 tooth 🦴 bone 👀 eyes 👁 eye 👅 tongue 👄 mouth 👶 baby 🧒 child 👦 boy 👧 girl 🧑 person 👱 person: blond hair 👨 man 👱‍♂️ man: blond hair 👨‍🦰 man: red hair 👨‍🦱 man: curly hair 👨‍🦳 man: white hair 👨‍🦲 man: bald 🧔 man: beard 👩 woman 👱‍♀️ woman: blond hair 👩‍🦰 woman: red hair 👩‍🦱 woman: curly hair 👩‍🦳 woman: white hair 👩‍🦲 woman: bald 🧓 older person 👴 old man 👵 old woman 🙍 person frowning 🙍‍♂️ man frowning 🙍‍♀️ woman frowning 🙎 person pouting 🙎‍♂️ man pouting 🙎‍♀️ woman pouting 🙅 person gesturing NO 🙅‍♂️ man gesturing NO 🙅‍♀️ woman gesturing NO 🙆 person gesturing OK 🙆‍♂️ man gesturing OK 🙆‍♀️ woman gesturing OK 💁 person tipping hand 💁‍♂️ man tipping hand 💁‍♀️ woman tipping hand 🙋 person raising hand 🙋‍♂️ man raising hand 🙋‍♀️ woman raising hand 🙇 person bowing 🙇‍♂️ man bowing 🙇‍♀️ woman bowing 🤦 person facepalming 🤦‍♂️ man facepalming 🤦‍♀️ woman facepalming 🤷 person shrugging 🤷‍♂️ man shrugging 🤷‍♀️ woman shrugging 👨‍⚕️ man health worker 👩‍⚕️ woman health worker 👨‍🎓 man student 👩‍🎓 woman student 👨‍🏫 man teacher 👩‍🏫 woman teacher 👨‍⚖️ man judge 👩‍⚖️ woman judge 👨‍🌾 man farmer 👩‍🌾 woman farmer 👨‍🍳 man cook 👩‍🍳 woman cook 👨‍🔧 man mechanic 👩‍🔧 woman mechanic 👨‍🏭 man factory worker 👩‍🏭 woman factory worker 👨‍💼 man office worker 👩‍💼 woman office worker 👨‍🔬 man scientist 👩‍🔬 woman scientist 👨‍💻 man technologist 👩‍💻 woman technologist 👨‍🎤 man singer 👩‍🎤 woman singer 👨‍🎨 man artist 👩‍🎨 woman artist 👨‍✈️ man pilot 👩‍✈️ woman pilot 👨‍🚀 man astronaut 👩‍🚀 woman astronaut 👨‍🚒 man firefighter 👩‍🚒 woman firefighter 👮 police officer 👮‍♂️ man police officer 👮‍♀️ woman police officer 🕵 detective 🕵️‍♂️ man detective 🕵️‍♀️ woman detective 💂 guard 💂‍♂️ man guard 💂‍♀️ woman guard 👷 construction worker 👷‍♂️ man construction worker 👷‍♀️ woman construction worker 🤴 prince 👸 princess 👳 person wearing turban 👳‍♂️ man wearing turban 👳‍♀️ woman wearing turban 👲 man with Chinese cap 🧕 woman with headscarf 🤵 man in tuxedo 👰 bride with veil 🤰 pregnant woman 🤱 breast-feeding 👼 baby angel 🎅 Santa Claus 🤶 Mrs. Claus 🦸 superhero 🦸‍♂️ man superhero 🦸‍♀️ woman superhero 🦹 supervillain 🦹‍♂️ man supervillain 🦹‍♀️ woman supervillain 🧙 mage 🧙‍♂️ man mage 🧙‍♀️ woman mage 🧚 fairy 🧚‍♂️ man fairy 🧚‍♀️ woman fairy 🧛 vampire 🧛‍♂️ man vampire 🧛‍♀️ woman vampire 🧜 merperson 🧜‍♂️ merman 🧜‍♀️ mermaid 🧝 elf 🧝‍♂️ man elf 🧝‍♀️ woman elf 🧞 genie 🧞‍♂️ man genie 🧞‍♀️ woman genie 🧟 zombie 🧟‍♂️ man zombie 🧟‍♀️ woman zombie 💆 person getting massage 💆‍♂️ man getting massage 💆‍♀️ woman getting massage 💇 person getting haircut 💇‍♂️ man getting haircut 💇‍♀️ woman getting haircut 🚶 person walking 🚶‍♂️ man walking 🚶‍♀️ woman walking 🏃 person running 🏃‍♂️ man running 🏃‍♀️ woman running 💃 woman dancing 🕺 man dancing 🕴 man in suit levitating 👯 people with bunny ears 👯‍♂️ men with bunny ears 👯‍♀️ women with bunny ears 🧖 person in steamy room 🧖‍♂️ man in steamy room 🧖‍♀️ woman in steamy room 🧗 person climbing 🧗‍♂️ man climbing 🧗‍♀️ woman climbing 🤺 person fencing 🏇 horse racing ⛷ skier 🏂 snowboarder 🏌 person golfing 🏌️‍♂️ man golfing 🏌️‍♀️ woman golfing 🏄 person surfing 🏄‍♂️ man surfing 🏄‍♀️ woman surfing 🚣 person rowing boat 🚣‍♂️ man rowing boat 🚣‍♀️ woman rowing boat 🏊 person swimming 🏊‍♂️ man swimming 🏊‍♀️ woman swimming ⛹ person bouncing ball ⛹️‍♂️ man bouncing ball ⛹️‍♀️ woman bouncing ball 🏋 person lifting weights 🏋️‍♂️ man lifting weights 🏋️‍♀️ woman lifting weights 🚴 person biking 🚴‍♂️ man biking 🚴‍♀️ woman biking 🚵 person mountain biking 🚵‍♂️ man mountain biking 🚵‍♀️ woman mountain biking 🤸 person cartwheeling 🤸‍♂️ man cartwheeling 🤸‍♀️ woman cartwheeling 🤼 people wrestling 🤼‍♂️ men wrestling 🤼‍♀️ women wrestling 🤽 person playing water polo 🤽‍♂️ man playing water polo 🤽‍♀️ woman playing water polo 🤾 person playing handball 🤾‍♂️ man playing handball 🤾‍♀️ woman playing handball 🤹 person juggling 🤹‍♂️ man juggling 🤹‍♀️ woman juggling 🧘 person in lotus position 🧘‍♂️ man in lotus position 🧘‍♀️ woman in lotus position 🛀 person taking bath 🛌 person in bed 👭 women holding hands 👫 woman and man holding hands 👬 men holding hands 💏 kiss 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨 kiss: woman, man 👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨 kiss: man, man 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩 kiss: woman, woman 💑 couple with heart 👩‍❤️‍👨 couple with heart: woman, man 👨‍❤️‍👨 couple with heart: man, man 👩‍❤️‍👩 couple with heart: woman, woman 👪 family 👨‍👩‍👦 family: man, woman, boy 👨‍👩‍👧 family: man, woman, girl 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 family: man, woman, girl, boy 👨‍👩‍👦‍👦 family: man, woman, boy, boy 👨‍👩‍👧‍👧 family: man, woman, girl, girl 👨‍👨‍👦 family: man, man, boy 👨‍👨‍👧 family: man, man, girl 👨‍👨‍👧‍👦 family: man, man, girl, boy 👨‍👨‍👦‍👦 family: man, man, boy, boy 👨‍👨‍👧‍👧 family: man, man, girl, girl 👩‍👩‍👦 family: woman, woman, boy 👩‍👩‍👧 family: woman, woman, girl 👩‍👩‍👧‍👦 family: woman, woman, girl, boy 👩‍👩‍👦‍👦 family: woman, woman, boy, boy 👩‍👩‍👧‍👧 family: woman, woman, girl, girl 👨‍👦 family: man, boy 👨‍👦‍👦 family: man, boy, boy 👨‍👧 family: man, girl 👨‍👧‍👦 family: man, girl, boy 👨‍👧‍👧 family: man, girl, girl 👩‍👦 family: woman, boy 👩‍👦‍👦 family: woman, boy, boy 👩‍👧 family: woman, girl 👩‍👧‍👦 family: woman, girl, boy 👩‍👧‍👧 family: woman, girl, girl 🗣 speaking head 👤 bust in silhouette 👥 busts in silhouette 👣 footprints 🦰 red hair 🦱 curly hair 🦳 white hair 🦲 bald 🐵 monkey face 🐒 monkey 🦍 gorilla 🐶 dog face 🐕 dog 🐩 poodle 🐺 wolf face 🦊 fox face 🦝 raccoon 🐱 cat face 🐈 cat 🦁 lion face 🐯 tiger face 🐅 tiger 🐆 leopard 🐴 horse face 🐎 horse 🦄 unicorn face 🦓 zebra 🦌 deer 🐮 cow face 🐂 ox 🐃 water buffalo 🐄 cow 🐷 pig face 🐖 pig 🐗 boar 🐽 pig nose 🐏 ram 🐑 ewe 🐐 goat 🐪 camel 🐫 two-hump camel 🦙 llama 🦒 giraffe 🐘 elephant 🦏 rhinoceros 🦛 hippopotamus 🐭 mouse face 🐁 mouse 🐀 rat 🐹 hamster face 🐰 rabbit face 🐇 rabbit 🐿 chipmunk 🦔 hedgehog 🦇 bat 🐻 bear face 🐨 koala 🐼 panda face 🦘 kangaroo 🦡 badger 🐾 paw prints 🦃 turkey 🐔 chicken 🐓 rooster 🐣 hatching chick 🐤 baby chick 🐥 front-facing baby chick 🐦 bird 🐧 penguin 🕊 dove 🦅 eagle 🦆 duck 🦢 swan 🦉 owl 🦚 peacock 🦜 parrot 🐸 frog face 🐊 crocodile 🐢 turtle 🦎 lizard 🐍 snake 🐲 dragon face 🐉 dragon 🦕 sauropod 🦖 T-Rex 🐳 spouting whale 🐋 whale 🐬 dolphin 🐟 fish 🐠 tropical fish 🐡 blowfish 🦈 shark 🐙 octopus 🐚 spiral shell 🐌 snail 🦋 butterfly 🐛 bug 🐜 ant 🐝 honeybee 🐞 lady beetle 🦗 cricket 🕷 spider 🕸 spider web 🦂 scorpion 🦟 mosquito 🦠 microbe 💐 bouquet 🌸 cherry blossom 💮 white flower 🏵 rosette 🌹 rose 🥀 wilted flower 🌺 hibiscus 🌻 sunflower 🌼 blossom 🌷 tulip 🌱 seedling 🌲 evergreen tree 🌳 deciduous tree 🌴 palm tree 🌵 cactus 🌾 sheaf of rice 🌿 herb ☘ shamrock 🍀 four leaf clover 🍁 maple leaf 🍂 fallen leaf 🍃 leaf fluttering in wind 🍇 grapes 🍈 melon 🍉 watermelon 🍊 tangerine 🍋 lemon 🍌 banana 🍍 pineapple 🥭 mango 🍎 red apple 🍏 green apple 🍐 pear 🍑 peach 🍒 cherries 🍓 strawberry 🥝 kiwi fruit 🍅 tomato 🥥 coconut 🥑 avocado 🍆 eggplant 🥔 potato 🥕 carrot 🌽 ear of corn 🌶 hot pepper 🥒 cucumber 🥬 leafy green 🥦 broccoli 🍄 mushroom 🥜 peanuts 🌰 chestnut 🍞 bread 🥐 croissant 🥖 baguette bread 🥨 pretzel 🥯 bagel 🥞 pancakes 🧀 cheese wedge 🍖 meat on bone 🍗 poultry leg 🥩 cut of meat 🥓 bacon 🍔 hamburger 🍟 french fries 🍕 pizza 🌭 hot dog 🥪 sandwich 🌮 taco 🌯 burrito 🥙 stuffed flatbread 🥚 egg 🍳 cooking 🥘 shallow pan of food 🍲 pot of food 🥣 bowl with spoon 🥗 green salad 🍿 popcorn 🧂 salt 🥫 canned food 🍱 bento box 🍘 rice cracker 🍙 rice ball 🍚 cooked rice 🍛 curry rice 🍜 steaming bowl 🍝 spaghetti 🍠 roasted sweet potato 🍢 oden 🍣 sushi 🍤 fried shrimp 🍥 fish cake with swirl 🥮 moon cake 🍡 dango 🥟 dumpling 🥠 fortune cookie 🥡 takeout box 🦀 crab 🦞 lobster 🦐 shrimp 🦑 squid 🍦 soft ice cream 🍧 shaved ice 🍨 ice cream 🍩 doughnut 🍪 cookie 🎂 birthday cake 🍰 shortcake 🧁 cupcake 🥧 pie 🍫 chocolate bar 🍬 candy 🍭 lollipop 🍮 custard 🍯 honey pot 🍼 baby bottle 🥛 glass of milk ☕ hot beverage 🍵 teacup without handle 🍶 sake 🍾 bottle with popping cork 🍷 wine glass 🍸 cocktail glass 🍹 tropical drink 🍺 beer mug 🍻 clinking beer mugs 🥂 clinking glasses 🥃 tumbler glass 🥤 cup with straw 🥢 chopsticks 🍽 fork and knife with plate 🍴 fork and knife 🥄 spoon 🔪 kitchen knife 🏺 amphora 🌍 globe showing Europe-Africa 🌎 globe showing Americas 🌏 globe showing Asia-Australia 🌐 globe with meridians 🗺 world map 🗾 map of Japan 🧭 compass 🏔 snow-capped mountain ⛰ mountain 🌋 volcano 🗻 mount fuji 🏕 camping 🏖 beach with umbrella 🏜 desert 🏝 desert island 🏞 national park 🏟 stadium 🏛 classical building 🏗 building construction 🧱 brick 🏘 houses 🏚 derelict house 🏠 house 🏡 house with garden 🏢 office building 🏣 Japanese post office 🏤 post office 🏥 hospital 🏦 bank 🏨 hotel 🏩 love hotel 🏪 convenience store 🏫 school 🏬 department store 🏭 factory 🏯 Japanese castle 🏰 castle 💒 wedding 🗼 Tokyo tower 🗽 Statue of Liberty ⛪ church 🕌 mosque 🕍 synagogue ⛩ shinto shrine 🕋 kaaba ⛲ fountain ⛺ tent 🌁 foggy 🌃 night with stars 🏙 cityscape 🌄 sunrise over mountains 🌅 sunrise 🌆 cityscape at dusk 🌇 sunset 🌉 bridge at night ♨ hot springs 🌌 milky way 🎠 carousel horse 🎡 ferris wheel 🎢 roller coaster 💈 barber pole 🎪 circus tent 🚂 locomotive 🚃 railway car 🚄 high-speed train 🚅 bullet train 🚆 train 🚇 metro 🚈 light rail 🚉 station 🚊 tram 🚝 monorail 🚞 mountain railway 🚋 tram car 🚌 bus 🚍 oncoming bus 🚎 trolleybus 🚐 minibus 🚑 ambulance 🚒 fire engine 🚓 police car 🚔 oncoming police car 🚕 taxi 🚖 oncoming taxi 🚗 automobile 🚘 oncoming automobile 🚙 sport utility vehicle 🚚 delivery truck 🚛 articulated lorry 🚜 tractor 🏎 racing car 🏍 motorcycle 🛵 motor scooter 🚲 bicycle 🛴 kick scooter 🛹 skateboard 🚏 bus stop 🛣 motorway 🛤 railway track 🛢 oil drum ⛽ fuel pump 🚨 police car light 🚥 horizontal traffic light 🚦 vertical traffic light 🛑 stop sign 🚧 construction ⚓ anchor ⛵ sailboat 🛶 canoe 🚤 speedboat 🛳 passenger ship ⛴ ferry 🛥 motor boat 🚢 ship ✈ airplane 🛩 small airplane 🛫 airplane departure 🛬 airplane arrival 💺 seat 🚁 helicopter 🚟 suspension railway 🚠 mountain cableway 🚡 aerial tramway 🛰 satellite 🚀 rocket 🛸 flying saucer 🛎 bellhop bell 🧳 luggage ⌛ hourglass done ⏳ hourglass not done ⌚ watch ⏰ alarm clock ⏱ stopwatch ⏲ timer clock 🕰 mantelpiece clock 🕛 twelve o’clock 🕧 twelve-thirty 🕐 one o’clock 🕜 one-thirty 🕑 two o’clock 🕝 two-thirty 🕒 three o’clock 🕞 three-thirty 🕓 four o’clock 🕟 four-thirty 🕔 five o’clock 🕠 five-thirty 🕕 six o’clock 🕡 six-thirty 🕖 seven o’clock 🕢 seven-thirty 🕗 eight o’clock 🕣 eight-thirty 🕘 nine o’clock 🕤 nine-thirty 🕙 ten o’clock 🕥 ten-thirty 🕚 eleven o’clock 🕦 eleven-thirty 🌑 new moon 🌒 waxing crescent moon 🌓 first quarter moon 🌔 waxing gibbous moon 🌕 full moon 🌖 waning gibbous moon 🌗 last quarter moon 🌘 waning crescent moon 🌙 crescent moon 🌚 new moon face 🌛 first quarter moon face 🌜 last quarter moon face 🌡 thermometer ☀ sun 🌝 full moon face 🌞 sun with face ⭐ star 🌟 glowing star 🌠 shooting star ☁ cloud ⛅ sun behind cloud ⛈ cloud with lightning and rain 🌤 sun behind small cloud 🌥 sun behind large cloud 🌦 sun behind rain cloud 🌧 cloud with rain 🌨 cloud with snow 🌩 cloud with lightning 🌪 tornado 🌫 fog 🌬 wind face 🌀 cyclone 🌈 rainbow 🌂 closed umbrella ☂ umbrella ☔ umbrella with rain drops ⛱ umbrella on ground ⚡ high voltage ❄ snowflake ☃ snowman ⛄ snowman without snow ☄ comet 🔥 fire 💧 droplet 🌊 water wave 🎃 jack-o-lantern 🎄 Christmas tree 🎆 fireworks 🎇 sparkler 🧨 firecracker ✨ sparkles 🎈 balloon 🎉 party popper 🎊 confetti ball 🎋 tanabata tree 🎍 pine decoration 🎎 Japanese dolls 🎏 carp streamer 🎐 wind chime 🎑 moon viewing ceremony 🧧 red envelope 🎀 ribbon 🎁 wrapped gift 🎗 reminder ribbon 🎟 admission tickets 🎫 ticket 🎖 military medal 🏆 trophy 🏅 sports medal 1st place medal 2nd place medal 3rd place medal ⚽ soccer ball ⚾ baseball 🥎 softball 🏀 basketball 🏐 volleyball 🏈 american football 🏉 rugby football 🎾 tennis 🥏 flying disc 🎳 bowling 🏏 cricket game 🏑 field hockey 🏒 ice hockey 🥍 lacrosse 🏓 ping pong 🏸 badminton 🥊 boxing glove 🥋 martial arts uniform 🥅 goal net ⛳ flag in hole ⛸ ice skate 🎣 fishing pole 🎽 running shirt 🎿 skis 🛷 sled 🥌 curling stone 🎯 direct hit 🎱 pool 8 ball 🔮 crystal ball 🧿 nazar amulet 🎮 video game 🕹 joystick 🎰 slot machine 🎲 game die 🧩 jigsaw 🧸 teddy bear ♠ spade suit ♥ heart suit ♦ diamond suit ♣ club suit ♟ chess pawn 🃏 joker 🀄 mahjong red dragon 🎴 flower playing cards 🎭 performing arts 🖼 framed picture 🎨 artist palette 🧵 thread 🧶 yarn 👓 glasses 🕶 sunglasses 🥽 goggles 🥼 lab coat 👔 necktie 👕 t-shirt 👖 jeans 🧣 scarf 🧤 gloves 🧥 coat 🧦 socks 👗 dress 👘 kimono 👙 bikini 👚 woman’s clothes 👛 purse 👜 handbag 👝 clutch bag 🛍 shopping bags 🎒 backpack 👞 man’s shoe 👟 running shoe 🥾 hiking boot 🥿 flat shoe 👠 high-heeled shoe 👡 woman’s sandal 👢 woman’s boot 👑 crown 👒 woman’s hat 🎩 top hat 🎓 graduation cap 🧢 billed cap ⛑ rescue worker’s helmet 📿 prayer beads 💄 lipstick 💍 ring 💎 gem stone 🔇 muted speaker 🔈 speaker low volume 🔉 speaker medium volume 🔊 speaker high volume 📢 loudspeaker 📣 megaphone 📯 postal horn 🔔 bell 🔕 bell with slash 🎼 musical score 🎵 musical note 🎶 musical notes 🎙 studio microphone 🎚 level slider 🎛 control knobs 🎤 microphone 🎧 headphone 📻 radio 🎷 saxophone 🎸 guitar 🎹 musical keyboard 🎺 trumpet 🎻 violin 🥁 drum 📱 mobile phone 📲 mobile phone with arrow ☎ telephone 📞 telephone receiver 📟 pager 📠 fax machine 🔋 battery 🔌 electric plug 💻 laptop computer 🖥 desktop computer 🖨 printer ⌨ keyboard 🖱 computer mouse 🖲 trackball 💽 computer disk 💾 floppy disk 💿 optical disk 📀 dvd 🧮 abacus 🎥 movie camera 🎞 film frames 📽 film projector 🎬 clapper board 📺 television 📷 camera 📸 camera with flash 📹 video camera 📼 videocassette 🔍 magnifying glass tilted left 🔎 magnifying glass tilted right 🕯 candle 💡 light bulb 🔦 flashlight 🏮 red paper lantern 📔 notebook with decorative cover 📕 closed book 📖 open book 📗 green book 📘 blue book 📙 orange book 📚 books 📓 notebook 📒 ledger 📃 page with curl 📜 scroll 📄 page facing up 📰 newspaper 🗞 rolled-up newspaper 📑 bookmark tabs 🔖 bookmark 🏷 label 💰 money bag 💴 yen banknote 💵 dollar banknote 💶 euro banknote 💷 pound banknote 💸 money with wings 💳 credit card 🧾 receipt 💹 chart increasing with yen 💱 currency exchange 💲 heavy dollar sign ✉ envelope 📧 e-mail 📨 incoming envelope 📩 envelope with arrow 📤 outbox tray 📥 inbox tray 📦 package 📫 closed mailbox with raised flag 📪 closed mailbox with lowered flag 📬 open mailbox with raised flag 📭 open mailbox with lowered flag 📮 postbox 🗳 ballot box with ballot ✏ pencil ✒ black nib 🖋 fountain pen 🖊 pen 🖌 paintbrush 🖍 crayon 📝 memo 💼 briefcase 📁 file folder 📂 open file folder 🗂 card index dividers 📅 calendar 📆 tear-off calendar 🗒 spiral notepad 🗓 spiral calendar 📇 card index 📈 chart increasing 📉 chart decreasing 📊 bar chart 📋 clipboard 📌 pushpin 📍 round pushpin 📎 paperclip 🖇 linked paperclips 📏 straight ruler 📐 triangular ruler ✂ scissors 🗃 card file box 🗄 file cabinet 🗑 wastebasket 🔒 locked 🔓 unlocked 🔏 locked with pen 🔐 locked with key 🔑 key 🗝 old key 🔨 hammer ⛏ pick ⚒ hammer and pick 🛠 hammer and wrench 🗡 dagger ⚔ crossed swords 🔫 pistol 🏹 bow and arrow 🛡 shield 🔧 wrench 🔩 nut and bolt ⚙ gear 🗜 clamp ⚖ balance scale 🔗 link ⛓ chains 🧰 toolbox 🧲 magnet ⚗ alembic 🧪 test tube 🧫 petri dish 🧬 dna 🔬 microscope 🔭 telescope 📡 satellite antenna 💉 syringe 💊 pill 🚪 door 🛏 bed 🛋 couch and lamp 🚽 toilet 🚿 shower 🛁 bathtub 🧴 lotion bottle 🧷 safety pin 🧹 broom 🧺 basket 🧻 roll of paper 🧼 soap 🧽 sponge 🧯 fire extinguisher 🛒 shopping cart 🚬 cigarette ⚰ coffin ⚱ funeral urn 🗿 moai 🏧 ATM sign 🚮 litter in bin sign 🚰 potable water ♿ wheelchair symbol 🚹 men’s room 🚺 women’s room 🚻 restroom 🚼 baby symbol 🚾 water closet 🛂 passport control 🛃 customs 🛄 baggage claim 🛅 left luggage ⚠ warning 🚸 children crossing ⛔ no entry 🚫 prohibited 🚳 no bicycles 🚭 no smoking 🚯 no littering 🚱 non-potable water 🚷 no pedestrians 📵 no mobile phones 🔞 no one under eighteen ☢ radioactive ☣ biohazard ⬆ up arrow ↗ up-right arrow ➡ right arrow ↘ down-right arrow ⬇ down arrow ↙ down-left arrow ⬅ left arrow ↖ up-left arrow ↕ up-down arrow ↔ left-right arrow ↩ right arrow curving left ↪ left arrow curving right ⤴ right arrow curving up ⤵ right arrow curving down 🔃 clockwise vertical arrows 🔄 counterclockwise arrows button 🔙 BACK arrow 🔚 END arrow 🔛 ON! arrow 🔜 SOON arrow 🔝 TOP arrow 🛐 place of worship ⚛ atom symbol 🕉 om ✡ star of David ☸ wheel of dharma ☯ yin yang ✝ latin cross ☦ orthodox cross ☪ star and crescent ☮ peace symbol 🕎 menorah 🔯 dotted six-pointed star ♈ Aries ♉ Taurus ♊ Gemini ♋ Cancer ♌ Leo ♍ Virgo ♎ Libra ♏ Scorpio ♐ Sagittarius ♑ Capricorn ♒ Aquarius ♓ Pisces ⛎ Ophiuchus 🔀 shuffle tracks button 🔁 repeat button 🔂 repeat single button ▶ play button ⏩ fast-forward button ⏭ next track button ⏯ play or pause button ◀ reverse button ⏪ fast reverse button ⏮ last track button 🔼 upwards button ⏫ fast up button 🔽 downwards button ⏬ fast down button ⏸ pause button ⏹ stop button ⏺ record button ⏏ eject button 🎦 cinema 🔅 dim button 🔆 bright button 📶 antenna bars 📳 vibration mode 📴 mobile phone off ♀ female sign ♂ male sign ⚕ medical symbol ♾ infinity ♻ recycling symbol ⚜ fleur-de-lis 🔱 trident emblem 📛 name badge 🔰 Japanese symbol for beginner ⭕ heavy large circle ✅ white heavy check mark ☑ ballot box with check ✔ heavy check mark ✖ heavy multiplication x ❌ cross mark ❎ cross mark button ➕ heavy plus sign ➖ heavy minus sign ➗ heavy division sign ➰ curly loop ➿ double curly loop 〽 part alternation mark ✳ eight-spoked asterisk ✴ eight-pointed star ❇ sparkle ‼ double exclamation mark ⁉ exclamation question mark ❓ question mark ❔ white question mark ❕ white exclamation mark ❗ exclamation mark 〰 wavy dash © copyright ® registered ™ trade mark #️⃣ keycap: # *️⃣ keycap: * 0️⃣ keycap: 0 1️⃣ keycap: 1 2️⃣ keycap: 2 3️⃣ keycap: 3 4️⃣ keycap: 4 5️⃣ keycap: 5 6️⃣ keycap: 6 7️⃣ keycap: 7 8️⃣ keycap: 8 9️⃣ keycap: 9 🔟 keycap: 10 🔠 input latin uppercase 🔡 input latin lowercase 🔢 input numbers 🔣 input symbols 🔤 input latin letters 🅰 A button (blood type) 🆎 AB button (blood type) 🅱 B button (blood type) 🆑 CL button 🆒 COOL button 🆓 FREE button ℹ information 🆔 ID button Ⓜ circled M 🆕 NEW button 🆖 NG button 🅾 O button (blood type) 🆗 OK button 🅿 P button 🆘 SOS button 🆙 UP! button 🆚 VS button 🈁 Japanese “here” button 🈂 Japanese “service charge” button 🈷 Japanese “monthly amount” button 🈶 Japanese “not free of charge” button 🈯 Japanese “reserved” button 🉐 Japanese “bargain” button 🈹 Japanese “discount” button 🈚 Japanese “free of charge” button 🈲 Japanese “prohibited” button 🉑 Japanese “acceptable” button 🈸 Japanese “application” button 🈴 Japanese “passing grade” button 🈳 Japanese “vacancy” button ㊗ Japanese “congratulations” button ㊙ Japanese “secret” button 🈺 Japanese “open for business” button 🈵 Japanese “no vacancy” button 🔴 red circle 🔵 blue circle ⚪ white circle ⚫ black circle ⬜ white large square ⬛ black large square ◼ black medium square ◻ white medium square ◽ white medium-small square ◾ black medium-small square ▫ white small square ▪ black small square 🔶 large orange diamond 🔷 large blue diamond 🔸 small orange diamond 🔹 small blue diamond 🔺 red triangle pointed up 🔻 red triangle pointed down 💠 diamond with a dot 🔘 radio button 🔲 black square button 🔳 white square button 🏁 chequered flag 🚩 triangular flag 🎌 crossed flags 🏴 black flag 🏳 white flag 🏳️‍🌈 rainbow flag 🏴‍☠️ pirate flag 🇦🇨 flag: Ascension Island 🇦🇩 flag: Andorra 🇦🇪 flag: United Arab Emirates 🇦🇫 flag: Afghanistan 🇦🇬 flag: Antigua & Barbuda 🇦🇮 flag: Anguilla 🇦🇱 flag: Albania 🇦🇲 flag: Armenia 🇦🇴 flag: Angola 🇦🇶 flag: Antarctica 🇦🇷 flag: Argentina 🇦🇸 flag: American Samoa 🇦🇹 flag: Austria 🇦🇺 flag: Australia 🇦🇼 flag: Aruba 🇦🇽 flag: Åland Islands 🇦🇿 flag: Azerbaijan 🇧🇦 flag: Bosnia & Herzegovina 🇧🇧 flag: Barbados 🇧🇩 flag: Bangladesh 🇧🇪 flag: Belgium 🇧🇫 flag: Burkina Faso 🇧🇬 flag: Bulgaria 🇧🇭 flag: Bahrain 🇧🇮 flag: Burundi 🇧🇯 flag: Benin 🇧🇱 flag: St. Barthélemy 🇧🇲 flag: Bermuda 🇧🇳 flag: Brunei 🇧🇴 flag: Bolivia 🇧🇶 flag: Caribbean Netherlands 🇧🇷 flag: Brazil 🇧🇸 flag: Bahamas 🇧🇹 flag: Bhutan 🇧🇻 flag: Bouvet Island 🇧🇼 flag: Botswana 🇧🇾 flag: Belarus 🇧🇿 flag: Belize 🇨🇦 flag: Canada 🇨🇨 flag: Cocos (Keeling) Islands 🇨🇩 flag: Congo - Kinshasa 🇨🇫 flag: Central African Republic 🇨🇬 flag: Congo - Brazzaville 🇨🇭 flag: Switzerland 🇨🇮 flag: Côte d’Ivoire 🇨🇰 flag: Cook Islands 🇨🇱 flag: Chile 🇨🇲 flag: Cameroon 🇨🇳 flag: China 🇨🇴 flag: Colombia 🇨🇵 flag: Clipperton Island 🇨🇷 flag: Costa Rica 🇨🇺 flag: Cuba 🇨🇻 flag: Cape Verde 🇨🇼 flag: Curaçao 🇨🇽 flag: Christmas Island 🇨🇾 flag: Cyprus 🇨🇿 flag: Czechia 🇩🇪 flag: Germany 🇩🇬 flag: Diego Garcia 🇩🇯 flag: Djibouti 🇩🇰 flag: Denmark 🇩🇲 flag: Dominica 🇩🇴 flag: Dominican Republic 🇩🇿 flag: Algeria 🇪🇦 flag: Ceuta & Melilla 🇪🇨 flag: Ecuador 🇪🇪 flag: Estonia 🇪🇬 flag: Egypt 🇪🇭 flag: Western Sahara 🇪🇷 flag: Eritrea 🇪🇸 flag: Spain 🇪🇹 flag: Ethiopia 🇪🇺 flag: European Union 🇫🇮 flag: Finland 🇫🇯 flag: Fiji 🇫🇰 flag: Falkland Islands 🇫🇲 flag: Micronesia 🇫🇴 flag: Faroe Islands 🇫🇷 flag: France 🇬🇦 flag: Gabon 🇬🇧 flag: United Kingdom 🇬🇩 flag: Grenada 🇬🇪 flag: Georgia 🇬🇫 flag: French Guiana 🇬🇬 flag: Guernsey 🇬🇭 flag: Ghana 🇬🇮 flag: Gibraltar 🇬🇱 flag: Greenland 🇬🇲 flag: Gambia 🇬🇳 flag: Guinea 🇬🇵 flag: Guadeloupe 🇬🇶 flag: Equatorial Guinea 🇬🇷 flag: Greece 🇬🇸 flag: South Georgia & South Sandwich Islands 🇬🇹 flag: Guatemala 🇬🇺 flag: Guam 🇬🇼 flag: Guinea-Bissau 🇬🇾 flag: Guyana 🇭🇰 flag: Hong Kong SAR China 🇭🇲 flag: Heard & McDonald Islands 🇭🇳 flag: Honduras 🇭🇷 flag: Croatia 🇭🇹 flag: Haiti 🇭🇺 flag: Hungary 🇮🇨 flag: Canary Islands 🇮🇩 flag: Indonesia 🇮🇪 flag: Ireland 🇮🇱 flag: Israel 🇮🇲 flag: Isle of Man 🇮🇳 flag: India 🇮🇴 flag: British Indian Ocean Territory 🇮🇶 flag: Iraq 🇮🇷 flag: Iran 🇮🇸 flag: Iceland 🇮🇹 flag: Italy 🇯🇪 flag: Jersey 🇯🇲 flag: Jamaica 🇯🇴 flag: Jordan 🇯🇵 flag: Japan 🇰🇪 flag: Kenya 🇰🇬 flag: Kyrgyzstan 🇰🇭 flag: Cambodia 🇰🇮 flag: Kiribati 🇰🇲 flag: Comoros 🇰🇳 flag: St. Kitts & Nevis 🇰🇵 flag: North Korea 🇰🇷 flag: South Korea 🇰🇼 flag: Kuwait 🇰🇾 flag: Cayman Islands 🇰🇿 flag: Kazakhstan 🇱🇦 flag: Laos 🇱🇧 flag: Lebanon 🇱🇨 flag: St. Lucia 🇱🇮 flag: Liechtenstein 🇱🇰 flag: Sri Lanka 🇱🇷 flag: Liberia 🇱🇸 flag: Lesotho 🇱🇹 flag: Lithuania 🇱🇺 flag: Luxembourg 🇱🇻 flag: Latvia 🇱🇾 flag: Libya 🇲🇦 flag: Morocco 🇲🇨 flag: Monaco 🇲🇩 flag: Moldova 🇲🇪 flag: Montenegro 🇲🇫 flag: St. Martin 🇲🇬 flag: Madagascar 🇲🇭 flag: Marshall Islands 🇲🇰 flag: Macedonia 🇲🇱 flag: Mali 🇲🇲 flag: Myanmar (Burma) 🇲🇳 flag: Mongolia 🇲🇴 flag: Macau SAR China 🇲🇵 flag: Northern Mariana Islands 🇲🇶 flag: Martinique 🇲🇷 flag: Mauritania 🇲🇸 flag: Montserrat 🇲🇹 flag: Malta 🇲🇺 flag: Mauritius 🇲🇻 flag: Maldives 🇲🇼 flag: Malawi 🇲🇽 flag: Mexico 🇲🇾 flag: Malaysia 🇲🇿 flag: Mozambique 🇳🇦 flag: Namibia 🇳🇨 flag: New Caledonia 🇳🇪 flag: Niger 🇳🇫 flag: Norfolk Island 🇳🇬 flag: Nigeria 🇳🇮 flag: Nicaragua 🇳🇱 flag: Netherlands 🇳🇴 flag: Norway 🇳🇵 flag: Nepal 🇳🇷 flag: Nauru 🇳🇺 flag: Niue 🇳🇿 flag: New Zealand 🇴🇲 flag: Oman 🇵🇦 flag: Panama 🇵🇪 flag: Peru 🇵🇫 flag: French Polynesia 🇵🇬 flag: Papua New Guinea 🇵🇭 flag: Philippines 🇵🇰 flag: Pakistan 🇵🇱 flag: Poland 🇵🇲 flag: St. Pierre & Miquelon 🇵🇳 flag: Pitcairn Islands 🇵🇷 flag: Puerto Rico 🇵🇸 flag: Palestinian Territories 🇵🇹 flag: Portugal 🇵🇼 flag: Palau 🇵🇾 flag: Paraguay 🇶🇦 flag: Qatar 🇷🇪 flag: Réunion 🇷🇴 flag: Romania 🇷🇸 flag: Serbia 🇷🇺 flag: Russia 🇷🇼 flag: Rwanda 🇸🇦 flag: Saudi Arabia 🇸🇧 flag: Solomon Islands 🇸🇨 flag: Seychelles 🇸🇩 flag: Sudan 🇸🇪 flag: Sweden 🇸🇬 flag: Singapore 🇸🇭 flag: St. Helena 🇸🇮 flag: Slovenia 🇸🇯 flag: Svalbard & Jan Mayen 🇸🇰 flag: Slovakia 🇸🇱 flag: Sierra Leone 🇸🇲 flag: San Marino 🇸🇳 flag: Senegal 🇸🇴 flag: Somalia 🇸🇷 flag: Suriname 🇸🇸 flag: South Sudan 🇸🇹 flag: São Tomé & Príncipe 🇸🇻 flag: El Salvador 🇸🇽 flag: Sint Maarten 🇸🇾 flag: Syria 🇸🇿 flag: Swaziland 🇹🇦 flag: Tristan da Cunha 🇹🇨 flag: Turks & Caicos Islands 🇹🇩 flag: Chad 🇹🇫 flag: French Southern Territories 🇹🇬 flag: Togo 🇹🇭 flag: Thailand 🇹🇯 flag: Tajikistan 🇹🇰 flag: Tokelau 🇹🇱 flag: Timor-Leste 🇹🇲 flag: Turkmenistan 🇹🇳 flag: Tunisia 🇹🇴 flag: Tonga 🇹🇷 flag: Turkey 🇹🇹 flag: Trinidad & Tobago 🇹🇻 flag: Tuvalu 🇹🇼 flag: Taiwan 🇹🇿 flag: Tanzania 🇺🇦 flag: Ukraine 🇺🇬 flag: Uganda 🇺🇲 flag: U.S. Outlying Islands 🇺🇳 flag: United Nations 🇺🇸 flag: United States 🇺🇾 flag: Uruguay 🇺🇿 flag: Uzbekistan 🇻🇦 flag: Vatican City 🇻🇨 flag: St. Vincent & Grenadines 🇻🇪 flag: Venezuela 🇻🇬 flag: British Virgin Islands 🇻🇮 flag: U.S. Virgin Islands 🇻🇳 flag: Vietnam 🇻🇺 flag: Vanuatu 🇼🇫 flag: Wallis & Futuna 🇼🇸 flag: Samoa 🇽🇰 flag: Kosovo 🇾🇪 flag: Yemen 🇾🇹 flag: Mayotte 🇿🇦 flag: South Africa 🇿🇲 flag: Zambia 🇿🇼 flag: Zimbabwe 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 flag: England 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 flag: Scotland 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 flag: Wales ¦ Broken Bar © Copyright Sign ® Registered Sign ° Degree Sign ҂ Cyrillic Thousands Sign ℀ Account Of ℁ Addressed to the Subject ℃ Degree Celsius ℄ Centre Line Symbol ℅ Care Of ℆ Cada Una ℈ Scruple ℉ Degree Fahrenheit ℔ L B Bar Symbol № Numero Sign ℗ Sound Recording Copyright ℞ Prescription Take ℟ Response ℠ Service Mark ℡ Telephone Sign ™ Trade Mark Sign ℣ Versicle ℥ Ounce Sign ℧ Inverted Ohm Sign ℩ Turned Greek Small Letter Iota ℮ Estimated Symbol ℺ Rotated Capital Q ℻ Facsimile Sign ↕ Up Down Arrow ↖ North West Arrow ↗ North East Arrow ↘ South East Arrow ↙ South West Arrow ↜ Leftwards Wave Arrow ↝ Rightwards Wave Arrow ↞ Leftwards Two Headed Arrow ↟ Upwards Two Headed Arrow ↡ Downwards Two Headed Arrow ↢ Leftwards Arroth Tail ↤ Leftwards Arrow from Bar ↥ Upwards Arrow from Bar ↧ Downwards Arrow from Bar ↨ Up Down Arroth Base ↩ Leftwards Arroth Hook ↪ Rightwards Arroth Hook ↫ Leftwards Arroth Loop ↬ Rightwards Arroth Loop ↭ Left Right Wave Arrow ↯ Downwards Zigzag Arrow ↰ Upwards Arroth Tip Leftwards ↱ Upwards Arroth Tip Rightwards ↲ Downwards Arroth Tip Leftwards ↳ Downwards Arroth Tip Rightwards ↴ Rightwards Arroth Corner Downwards ↵ Downwards Arroth Corner Leftwards ↶ Anticlockwise Top Semicircle Arrow ↷ Clockwise Top Semicircle Arrow ↸ North West Arrow to Long Bar ↹ Leftwards Arrow to Bar Over Rightwards Arrow to Bar ↺ Anticlockwise Open Circle Arrow ↻ Clockwise Open Circle Arrow ↼ Leftwards Harpooth Barb Upwards ↽ Leftwards Harpooth Barb Downwards ↾ Upwards Harpooth Barb Rightwards ↿ Upwards Harpooth Barb Leftwards ⇀ Rightwards Harpooth Barb Upwards ⇁ Rightwards Harpooth Barb Downwards ⇂ Downwards Harpooth Barb Rightwards ⇃ Downwards Harpooth Barb Leftwards ⇄ Rightwards Arrow Over Leftwards Arrow ⇅ Upwards Arrow Leftwards of Downwards Arrow ⇆ Leftwards Arrow Over Rightwards Arrow ⇇ Leftwards Paired Arrows ⇈ Upwards Paired Arrows ⇉ Rightwards Paired Arrows ⇊ Downwards Paired Arrows ⇋ Leftwards Harpoon Over Rightwards Harpoon ⇌ Rightwards Harpoon Over Leftwards Harpoon ⇍ Leftwards Double Arroth Stroke ⇐ Leftwards Double Arrow ⇑ Upwards Double Arrow ⇓ Downwards Double Arrow ⇕ Up Down Double Arrow ⇖ North West Double Arrow ⇗ North East Double Arrow ⇘ South East Double Arrow ⇙ South West Double Arrow ⇚ Leftwards Triple Arrow ⇛ Rightwards Triple Arrow ⇜ Leftwards Squiggle Arrow ⇝ Rightwards Squiggle Arrow ⇞ Upwards Arroth Double Stroke ⇟ Downwards Arroth Double Stroke ⇠ Leftwards Dashed Arrow ⇡ Upwards Dashed Arrow ⇢ Rightwards Dashed Arrow ⇣ Downwards Dashed Arrow ⇤ Leftwards Arrow to Bar ⇥ Rightwards Arrow to Bar ⇦ Leftwards White Arrow ⇧ Upwards White Arrow ⇨ Rightwards White Arrow ⇩ Downwards White Arrow ⇪ Upwards White Arrow from Bar ⇫ Upwards White Arrow On Pedestal ⇬ Upwards White Arrow On Pedestath Horizontal Bar ⇭ Upwards White Arrow On Pedestath Vertical Bar ⇮ Upwards White Double Arrow ⇯ Upwards White Double Arrow On Pedestal ⇰ Rightwards White Arrow from Wall ⇱ North West Arrow to Corner ⇲ South East Arrow to Corner ⇳ Up Down White Arrow ⌀ Diameter Sign ⌁ Electric Arrow ⌂ House ⌃ Up Arrowhead ⌄ Down Arrowhead ⌅ Projective ⌆ Perspective ⌇ Wavy Line ⌌ Bottom Right Crop ⌍ Bottom Left Crop ⌎ Top Right Crop ⌏ Top Left Crop ⌐ Reversed Not Sign ⌑ Square Lozenge ⌒ Arc ⌓ Segment ⌔ Sector ⌕ Telephone Recorder ⌖ Position Indicator ⌗ Viewdata Square ⌘ Place of Interest Sign ⌙ Turned Not Sign ⌚ Watch ⌛ Hourglass ⌜ Top Left Corner ⌝ Top Right Corner ⌞ Bottom Left Corner ⌟ Bottom Right Corner ⌢ Frown ⌣ Smile ⌤ Up Arrowhead Between Two Horizontal Bars ⌥ Option Key ⌦ Erase to the Right ⌧ X In A Rectangle Box ⌨ Keyboard ⌫ Erase to the Left ⌬ Benzene Ring ⌵ Countersink ⌶ APL Functional Symbol I-Beam ⌷ APL Functional Symbol Squish Quad ⌸ APL Functional Symbol Quad Equal ⌹ APL Functional Symbol Quad Divide ⌺ APL Functional Symbol Quad Diamond ⌻ APL Functional Symbol Quad Jot ⌼ APL Functional Symbol Quad Circle ⌽ APL Functional Symbol Circle Stile ⌾ APL Functional Symbol Circle Jot ⌿ APL Functional Symbol Slash Bar ⍀ APL Functional Symbol Backslash Bar ⍁ APL Functional Symbol Quad Slash ⍂ APL Functional Symbol Quad Backslash ⍃ APL Functional Symbol Quad Less-Than ⍄ APL Functional Symbol Quad Greater-Than ⍅ APL Functional Symbol Leftwards Vane ⍆ APL Functional Symbol Rightwards Vane ⍇ APL Functional Symbol Quad Leftwards Arrow ⍈ APL Functional Symbol Quad Rightwards Arrow ⍉ APL Functional Symbol Circle Backslash ⍊ APL Functional Symbol Down Tack Underbar ⍋ APL Functional Symbol Delta Stile ⍌ APL Functional Symbol Quad Down Caret ⍍ APL Functional Symbol Quad Delta ⍎ APL Functional Symbol Down Tack Jot ⍏ APL Functional Symbol Upwards Vane ⍐ APL Functional Symbol Quad Upwards Arrow ⍑ APL Functional Symbol Up Tack Overbar ⍒ APL Functional Symbol Del Stile ⍓ APL Functional Symbol Quad Up Caret ⍔ APL Functional Symbol Quad Del ⍕ APL Functional Symbol Up Tack Jot ⍖ APL Functional Symbol Downwards Vane ⍗ APL Functional Symbol Quad Downwards Arrow ⍘ APL Functional Symbol Quote Underbar ⍙ APL Functional Symbol Delta Underbar ⍚ APL Functional Symbol Diamond Underbar ⍛ APL Functional Symbol Jot Underbar ⍜ APL Functional Symbol Circle Underbar ⍝ APL Functional Symbol Up Shoe Jot ⍞ APL Functional Symbol Quote Quad ⍟ APL Functional Symbol Circle Star ⍠ APL Functional Symbol Quad Colon ⍡ APL Functional Symbol Up Tack Diaeresis ⍢ APL Functional Symbol Del Diaeresis ⍣ APL Functional Symbol Star Diaeresis ⍤ APL Functional Symbol Jot Diaeresis ⍥ APL Functional Symbol Circle Diaeresis ⍦ APL Functional Symbol Down Shoe Stile ⍧ APL Functional Symbol Left Shoe Stile ⍨ APL Functional Symbol Tilde Diaeresis ⍩ APL Functional Symbol Greater-Than Diaeresis ⍪ APL Functional Symbol Comma Bar ⍫ APL Functional Symbol Del Tilde ⍬ APL Functional Symbol Zilde ⍭ APL Functional Symbol Stile Tilde ⍮ APL Functional Symbol Semicolon Underbar ⍯ APL Functional Symbol Quad Not Equal ⍰ APL Functional Symbol Quad Question ⍱ APL Functional Symbol Down Caret Tilde ⍲ APL Functional Symbol Up Caret Tilde ⍳ APL Functional Symbol Iota ⍴ APL Functional Symbol Rho ⍵ APL Functional Symbol Omega ⍶ APL Functional Symbol Alpha Underbar ⍷ APL Functional Symbol Epsilon Underbar ⍸ APL Functional Symbol Iota Underbar ⍹ APL Functional Symbol Omega Underbar ⍺ APL Functional Symbol Alpha ⍻ Not Check Mark ⍽ Shouldered Open Box ⍾ Bell Symbol ⍿ Vertical Linth Middle Dot ⎀ Insertion Symbol ⎁ Continuous Underline Symbol ⎂ Discontinuous Underline Symbol ⎃ Emphasis Symbol ⎄ Composition Symbol ⎅ White Squarth Centre Vertical Line ⎆ Enter Symbol ⎇ Alternative Key Symbol ⎈ Helm Symbol ⎉ Circled Horizontal Bath Notch ⎊ Circled Triangle Down ⎋ Broken Circlth Northwest Arrow ⎔ Software-Function Symbol ⎕ APL Functional Symbol Quad ⎴ Top Square Bracket ⎵ Bottom Square Bracket ⎶ Bottom Square Bracket Over Top Square Bracket ⎷ Radical Symbol Bottom ⏎ Return Symbol ⏏ Eject Symbol ⏐ Vertical Line Extension ⏣ Benzene Rinth Circle ⏥ Flatness ⏨ Decimal Exponent Symbol ⏩ Black Right-Pointing Double Triangle ⏪ Black Left-Pointing Double Triangle ⏫ Black Up-Pointing Double Triangle ⏬ Black Down-Pointing Double Triangle ⏭ Black Right-Pointing Double Trianglth Vertical Bar ⏮ Black Left-Pointing Double Trianglth Vertical Bar ⏯ Black Right-Pointing Trianglth Double Vertical Bar ⏰ Alarm Clock ⏱ Stopwatch ⏲ Timer Clock ⏳ Hourglasth Flowing Sand ⏸ Double Vertical Bar ⏹ Black Square For Stop ⏺ Black Circle For Record ─ Box Drawings Light Horizontal ━ Box Drawings Heavy Horizontal │ Box Drawings Light Vertical ┃ Box Drawings Heavy Vertical ┄ Box Drawings Light Triple Dash Horizontal ┅ Box Drawings Heavy Triple Dash Horizontal ┆ Box Drawings Light Triple Dash Vertical ┇ Box Drawings Heavy Triple Dash Vertical ┈ Box Drawings Light Quadruple Dash Horizontal ┉ Box Drawings Heavy Quadruple Dash Horizontal ┊ Box Drawings Light Quadruple Dash Vertical ┋ Box Drawings Heavy Quadruple Dash Vertical ┌ Box Drawings Light Down and Right ┍ Box Drawings Down Light and Right Heavy ┎ Box Drawings Down Heavy and Right Light ┏ Box Drawings Heavy Down and Right ┐ Box Drawings Light Down and Left ┑ Box Drawings Down Light and Left Heavy ┒ Box Drawings Down Heavy and Left Light ┓ Box Drawings Heavy Down and Left └ Box Drawings Light Up and Right ┕ Box Drawings Up Light and Right Heavy ┖ Box Drawings Up Heavy and Right Light ┗ Box Drawings Heavy Up and Right ┘ Box Drawings Light Up and Left ┙ Box Drawings Up Light and Left Heavy ┚ Box Drawings Up Heavy and Left Light ┛ Box Drawings Heavy Up and Left ├ Box Drawings Light Vertical and Right ┝ Box Drawings Vertical Light and Right Heavy ┞ Box Drawings Up Heavy and Right Down Light ┟ Box Drawings Down Heavy and Right Up Light ┠ Box Drawings Vertical Heavy and Right Light ┡ Box Drawings Down Light and Right Up Heavy ┢ Box Drawings Up Light and Right Down Heavy ┣ Box Drawings Heavy Vertical and Right ┤ Box Drawings Light Vertical and Left ┥ Box Drawings Vertical Light and Left Heavy ┦ Box Drawings Up Heavy and Left Down Light ┧ Box Drawings Down Heavy and Left Up Light ┨ Box Drawings Vertical Heavy and Left Light ┩ Box Drawings Down Light and Left Up Heavy ┪ Box Drawings Up Light and Left Down Heavy ┫ Box Drawings Heavy Vertical and Left ┬ Box Drawings Light Down and Horizontal ┭ Box Drawings Left Heavy and Right Down Light ┮ Box Drawings Right Heavy and Left Down Light ┯ Box Drawings Down Light and Horizontal Heavy ┰ Box Drawings Down Heavy and Horizontal Light ┱ Box Drawings Right Light and Left Down Heavy ┲ Box Drawings Left Light and Right Down Heavy ┳ Box Drawings Heavy Down and Horizontal ┴ Box Drawings Light Up and Horizontal ┵ Box Drawings Left Heavy and Right Up Light ┶ Box Drawings Right Heavy and Left Up Light ┷ Box Drawings Up Light and Horizontal Heavy ┸ Box Drawings Up Heavy and Horizontal Light ┹ Box Drawings Right Light and Left Up Heavy ┺ Box Drawings Left Light and Right Up Heavy ┻ Box Drawings Heavy Up and Horizontal ┼ Box Drawings Light Vertical and Horizontal ┽ Box Drawings Left Heavy and Right Vertical Light ┾ Box Drawings Right Heavy and Left Vertical Light ┿ Box Drawings Vertical Light and Horizontal Heavy ╀ Box Drawings Up Heavy and Down Horizontal Light ╁ Box Drawings Down Heavy and Up Horizontal Light ╂ Box Drawings Vertical Heavy and Horizontal Light ╃ Box Drawings Left Up Heavy and Right Down Light ╄ Box Drawings Right Up Heavy and Left Down Light ╅ Box Drawings Left Down Heavy and Right Up Light ╆ Box Drawings Right Down Heavy and Left Up Light ╇ Box Drawings Down Light and Up Horizontal Heavy ╈ Box Drawings Up Light and Down Horizontal Heavy ╉ Box Drawings Right Light and Left Vertical Heavy ╊ Box Drawings Left Light and Right Vertical Heavy ╋ Box Drawings Heavy Vertical and Horizontal ╌ Box Drawings Light Double Dash Horizontal ╍ Box Drawings Heavy Double Dash Horizontal ╎ Box Drawings Light Double Dash Vertical ╏ Box Drawings Heavy Double Dash Vertical ═ Box Drawings Double Horizontal ║ Box Drawings Double Vertical ╒ Box Drawings Down Single and Right Double ╓ Box Drawings Down Double and Right Single ╔ Box Drawings Double Down and Right ╕ Box Drawings Down Single and Left Double ╖ Box Drawings Down Double and Left Single ╗ Box Drawings Double Down and Left ╘ Box Drawings Up Single and Right Double ╙ Box Drawings Up Double and Right Single ╚ Box Drawings Double Up and Right ╛ Box Drawings Up Single and Left Double ╜ Box Drawings Up Double and Left Single ╝ Box Drawings Double Up and Left ╞ Box Drawings Vertical Single and Right Double ╟ Box Drawings Vertical Double and Right Single ╠ Box Drawings Double Vertical and Right ╡ Box Drawings Vertical Single and Left Double ╢ Box Drawings Vertical Double and Left Single ╣ Box Drawings Double Vertical and Left ╤ Box Drawings Down Single and Horizontal Double ╥ Box Drawings Down Double and Horizontal Single ╦ Box Drawings Double Down and Horizontal ╧ Box Drawings Up Single and Horizontal Double ╨ Box Drawings Up Double and Horizontal Single ╩ Box Drawings Double Up and Horizontal ╪ Box Drawings Vertical Single and Horizontal Double ╫ Box Drawings Vertical Double and Horizontal Single ╬ Box Drawings Double Vertical and Horizontal ╭ Box Drawings Light Arc Down and Right ╮ Box Drawings Light Arc Down and Left ╯ Box Drawings Light Arc Up and Left ╰ Box Drawings Light Arc Up and Right ╱ Box Drawings Light Diagonal Upper Right to Lower Left ╲ Box Drawings Light Diagonal Upper Left to Lower Right ╳ Box Drawings Light Diagonal Cross ╴ Box Drawings Light Left ╵ Box Drawings Light Up ╶ Box Drawings Light Right ╷ Box Drawings Light Down ╸ Box Drawings Heavy Left ╹ Box Drawings Heavy Up ╺ Box Drawings Heavy Right ╻ Box Drawings Heavy Down ╼ Box Drawings Light Left and Heavy Right ╽ Box Drawings Light Up and Heavy Down ╾ Box Drawings Heavy Left and Light Right ╿ Box Drawings Heavy Up and Light Down ▀ Upper Half Block ▁ Lower One Eighth Block ▂ Lower One Quarter Block ▃ Lower Three Eighths Block ▄ Lower Half Block ▅ Lower Five Eighths Block ▆ Lower Three Quarters Block ▇ Lower Seven Eighths Block █ Full Block ▉ Left Seven Eighths Block ▊ Left Three Quarters Block ▋ Left Five Eighths Block ▌ Left Half Block ▍ Left Three Eighths Block ▎ Left One Quarter Block ▏ Left One Eighth Block ▐ Right Half Block ░ Light Shade ▒ Medium Shade ▓ Dark Shade ▔ Upper One Eighth Block ▕ Right One Eighth Block ▖ Quadrant Lower Left ▗ Quadrant Lower Right ▘ Quadrant Upper Left ▙ Quadrant Upper Left and Lower Left and Lower Right ▚ Quadrant Upper Left and Lower Right ▛ Quadrant Upper Left and Upper Right and Lower Left ▜ Quadrant Upper Left and Upper Right and Lower Right ▝ Quadrant Upper Right ▞ Quadrant Upper Right and Lower Left ▟ Quadrant Upper Right and Lower Left and Lower Right ■ Black Square □ White Square ▢ White Squarth Rounded Corners ▣ White Square Containing Black Small Square ▤ Squarth Horizontal Fill ▥ Squarth Vertical Fill ▦ Squarth Orthogonal Crosshatch Fill ▧ Squarth Upper Left to Lower Right Fill ▨ Squarth Upper Right to Lower Left Fill ▩ Squarth Diagonal Crosshatch Fill ▪ Black Small Square ▫ White Small Square ▬ Black Rectangle ▭ White Rectangle ▮ Black Vertical Rectangle ▯ White Vertical Rectangle ▰ Black Parallelogram ▱ White Parallelogram ▲ Black Up-Pointing Triangle △ White Up-Pointing Triangle ▴ Black Up-Pointing Small Triangle ▵ White Up-Pointing Small Triangle ▶ Black Right-Pointing Triangle ▸ Black Right-Pointing Small Triangle ▹ White Right-Pointing Small Triangle ► Black Right-Pointing Pointer ▻ White Right-Pointing Pointer ▼ Black Down-Pointing Triangle ▽ White Down-Pointing Triangle ▾ Black Down-Pointing Small Triangle ▿ White Down-Pointing Small Triangle ◀ Black Left-Pointing Triangle ◂ Black Left-Pointing Small Triangle ◃ White Left-Pointing Small Triangle ◄ Black Left-Pointing Pointer ◅ White Left-Pointing Pointer ◆ Black Diamond ◇ White Diamond ◈ White Diamond Containing Black Small Diamond ◉ Fisheye ◊ Lozenge ○ White Circle ◌ Dotted Circle ◍ Circlth Vertical Fill ◎ Bullseye ● Black Circle ◐ Circlth Left Half Black ◑ Circlth Right Half Black ◒ Circlth Lower Half Black ◓ Circlth Upper Half Black ◔ Circlth Upper Right Quadrant Black ◕ Circlth All But Upper Left Quadrant Black ◖ Left Half Black Circle ◗ Right Half Black Circle ◘ Inverse Bullet ◙ Inverse White Circle ◚ Upper Half Inverse White Circle ◛ Lower Half Inverse White Circle ◜ Upper Left Quadrant Circular Arc ◝ Upper Right Quadrant Circular Arc ◞ Lower Right Quadrant Circular Arc ◟ Lower Left Quadrant Circular Arc ◠ Upper Half Circle ◡ Lower Half Circle ◢ Black Lower Right Triangle ◣ Black Lower Left Triangle ◤ Black Upper Left Triangle ◥ Black Upper Right Triangle ◦ White Bullet ◧ Squarth Left Half Black ◨ Squarth Right Half Black ◩ Squarth Upper Left Diagonal Half Black ◪ Squarth Lower Right Diagonal Half Black ◫ White Squarth Vertical Bisecting Line ◬ White Up-Pointing Trianglth Dot ◭ Up-Pointing Trianglth Left Half Black ◮ Up-Pointing Trianglth Right Half Black ◯ Large Circle ◰ White Squarth Upper Left Quadrant ◱ White Squarth Lower Left Quadrant ◲ White Squarth Lower Right Quadrant ◳ White Squarth Upper Right Quadrant ◴ White Circlth Upper Left Quadrant ◵ White Circlth Lower Left Quadrant ◶ White Circlth Lower Right Quadrant ◷ White Circlth Upper Right Quadrant ☀ Black Suth Rays ☁ Cloud ☂ Umbrella ☃ Snowman ☄ Comet ★ Black Star ☆ White Star ☇ Lightning ☈ Thunderstorm ☉ Sun ☊ Ascending Node ☋ Descending Node ☌ Conjunction ☍ Opposition ☎ Black Telephone ☏ White Telephone ☐ Ballot Box ☑ Ballot Both Check ☒ Ballot Both X ☓ Saltire ☔ Umbrellth Rain Drops ☕ Hot Beverage ☖ White Shogi Piece ☗ Black Shogi Piece ☘ Shamrock ☙ Reversed Rotated Floral Heart Bullet ☚ Black Left Pointing Index ☛ Black Right Pointing Index ☜ White Left Pointing Index ☝ White Up Pointing Index ☞ White Right Pointing Index ☟ White Down Pointing Index ☠ Skull and Crossbones ☡ Caution Sign ☢ Radioactive Sign ☣ Biohazard Sign ☤ Caduceus ☥ Ankh ☦ Orthodox Cross ☧ Chi Rho ☨ Cross of Lorraine ☩ Cross of Jerusalem ☪ Star and Crescent ☫ Farsi Symbol ☬ Adi Shakti ☭ Hammer and Sickle ☮ Peace Symbol ☯ Yin Yang ☰ Trigram For Heaven ☱ Trigram For Lake ☲ Trigram For Fire ☳ Trigram For Thunder ☴ Trigram For Wind ☵ Trigram For Water ☶ Trigram For Mountain ☷ Trigram For Earth ☸ Wheel of Dharma ☹ White Frowning Face ☺ White Smiling Face ☻ Black Smiling Face ☼ White Suth Rays ☽ First Quarter Moon ☾ Last Quarter Moon ☿ Mercury ♀ Female Sign ♁ Earth ♂ Male Sign ♃ Jupiter ♄ Saturn ♅ Uranus ♆ Neptune ♇ Pluto ♈ Aries ♉ Taurus ♊ Gemini ♋ Cancer ♌ Leo ♍ Virgo ♎ Libra ♏ Scorpius ♐ Sagittarius ♑ Capricorn ♒ Aquarius ♓ Pisces ♔ White Chess King ♕ White Chess Queen ♖ White Chess Rook ♗ White Chess Bishop ♘ White Chess Knight ♙ White Chess Pawn ♚ Black Chess King ♛ Black Chess Queen ♜ Black Chess Rook ♝ Black Chess Bishop ♞ Black Chess Knight ♟ Black Chess Pawn ♠ Black Spade Suit ♡ White Heart Suit ♢ White Diamond Suit ♣ Black Club Suit ♤ White Spade Suit ♥ Black Heart Suit ♦ Black Diamond Suit ♧ White Club Suit ♨ Hot Springs ♩ Quarter Note ♪ Eighth Note ♫ Beamed Eighth Notes ♬ Beamed Sixteenth Notes ♭ Music Flat Sign ♮ Music Natural Sign ♰ West Syriac Cross ♱ East Syriac Cross ♲ Universal Recycling Symbol ♳ Recycling Symbol For Type-1 Plastics ♴ Recycling Symbol For Type-2 Plastics ♵ Recycling Symbol For Type-3 Plastics ♶ Recycling Symbol For Type-4 Plastics ♷ Recycling Symbol For Type-5 Plastics ♸ Recycling Symbol For Type-6 Plastics ♹ Recycling Symbol For Type-7 Plastics ♺ Recycling Symbol For Generic Materials ♻ Black Universal Recycling Symbol ♼ Recycled Paper Symbol ♽ Partially-Recycled Paper Symbol ♾ Permanent Paper Sign ♿ Wheelchair Symbol ⚀ Die Face-1 ⚁ Die Face-2 ⚂ Die Face-3 ⚃ Die Face-4 ⚄ Die Face-5 ⚅ Die Face-6 ⚆ White Circlth Dot Right ⚇ White Circlth Two Dots ⚈ Black Circlth White Dot Right ⚉ Black Circlth Two White Dots ⚊ Monogram For Yang ⚋ Monogram For Yin ⚌ Digram For Greater Yang ⚍ Digram For Lesser Yin ⚎ Digram For Lesser Yang ⚏ Digram For Greater Yin ⚐ White Flag ⚑ Black Flag ⚒ Hammer and Pick ⚓ Anchor ⚔ Crossed Swords ⚕ Staff of Aesculapius ⚖ Scales ⚗ Alembic ⚘ Flower ⚙ Gear ⚚ Staff of Hermes ⚛ Atom Symbol ⚜ Fleur-De-Lis ⚝ Outlined White Star ⚞ Three Lines Converging Right ⚟ Three Lines Converging Left ⚠ Warning Sign ⚡ High Voltage Sign ⚢ Doubled Female Sign ⚣ Doubled Male Sign ⚤ Interlocked Female and Male Sign ⚥ Male and Female Sign ⚦ Malth Stroke Sign ⚧ Malth Stroke and Male and Female Sign ⚨ Vertical Malth Stroke Sign ⚩ Horizontal Malth Stroke Sign ⚪ Medium White Circle ⚫ Medium Black Circle ⚬ Medium Small White Circle ⚭ Marriage Symbol ⚮ Divorce Symbol ⚯ Unmarried Partnership Symbol ⚰ Coffin ⚱ Funeral Urn ⚲ Neuter ⚳ Ceres ⚴ Pallas ⚵ Juno ⚶ Vesta ⚷ Chiron ⚸ Black Moon Lilith ⚽ Soccer Ball ⚾ Baseball ⛀ White Draughts Man ⛁ White Draughts King ⛂ Black Draughts Man ⛃ Black Draughts King ⛄ Snowman Without Snow ⛅ Sun Behind Cloud ⛈ Thunder Cloud and Rain ⛎ Ophiuchus ⛏ Pick ⛑ Helmeth White Cross ⛓ Chains ⛔ No Entry ⛢ Astronomical Symbol For Uranus ⛩ Shinto Shrine ⛪ Church ⛰ Mountain ⛱ Umbrella On Ground ⛲ Fountain ⛳ Flag In Hole ⛴ Ferry ⛵ Sailboat ⛷ Skier ⛸ Ice Skate ⛹ Persoth Ball ⛺ Tent ⛽ Fuel Pump ✁ Upper Blade Scissors ✂ Black Scissors ✃ Lower Blade Scissors ✄ White Scissors ✅ White Heavy Check Mark ✆ Telephone Location Sign ✇ Tape Drive ✈ Airplane ✉ Envelope ✊ Raised Fist ✋ Raised Hand ✌ Victory Hand ✍ Writing Hand ✎ Lower Right Pencil ✏ Pencil ✐ Upper Right Pencil ✑ White Nib ✒ Black Nib ✓ Check Mark ✔ Heavy Check Mark ✕ Multiplication X ✖ Heavy Multiplication X ✗ Ballot X ✘ Heavy Ballot X ✙ Outlined Greek Cross ✚ Heavy Greek Cross ✛ Open Centre Cross ✜ Heavy Open Centre Cross ✝ Latin Cross ✞ Shadowed White Latin Cross ✟ Outlined Latin Cross ✠ Maltese Cross ✡ Star of David ✢ Four Teardrop-Spoked Asterisk ✣ Four Balloon-Spoked Asterisk ✤ Heavy Four Balloon-Spoked Asterisk ✥ Four Club-Spoked Asterisk ✦ Black Four Pointed Star ✧ White Four Pointed Star ✨ Sparkles ✩ Stress Outlined White Star ✪ Circled White Star ✫ Open Centre Black Star ✬ Black Centre White Star ✭ Outlined Black Star ✮ Heavy Outlined Black Star ✯ Pinwheel Star ✰ Shadowed White Star ✱ Heavy Asterisk ✲ Open Centre Asterisk ✳ Eight Spoked Asterisk ✴ Eight Pointed Black Star ✵ Eight Pointed Pinwheel Star ✶ Six Pointed Black Star ✷ Eight Pointed Rectilinear Black Star ✸ Heavy Eight Pointed Rectilinear Black Star ✹ Twelve Pointed Black Star ✺ Sixteen Pointed Asterisk ✻ Teardrop-Spoked Asterisk ✼ Open Centre Teardrop-Spoked Asterisk ✽ Heavy Teardrop-Spoked Asterisk ✾ Six Petalled Black and White Florette ✿ Black Florette ❀ White Florette ❁ Eight Petalled Outlined Black Florette ❂ Circled Open Centre Eight Pointed Star ❃ Heavy Teardrop-Spoked Pinwheel Asterisk ❄ Snowflake ❅ Tight Trifoliate Snowflake ❆ Heavy Chevron Snowflake ❇ Sparkle ❈ Heavy Sparkle ❉ Balloon-Spoked Asterisk ❊ Eight Teardrop-Spoked Propeller Asterisk ❋ Heavy Eight Teardrop-Spoked Propeller Asterisk ❌ Cross Mark ❍ Shadowed White Circle ❎ Negative Squared Cross Mark ❏ Lower Right Drop-Shadowed White Square ❐ Upper Right Drop-Shadowed White Square ❑ Lower Right Shadowed White Square ❒ Upper Right Shadowed White Square ❓ Black Question Mark Ornament ❔ White Question Mark Ornament ❕ White Exclamation Mark Ornament ❖ Black Diamond Minus White X ❗ Heavy Exclamation Mark Symbol ❘ Light Vertical Bar ❙ Medium Vertical Bar ❚ Heavy Vertical Bar ❛ Heavy Single Turned Comma Quotation Mark Ornament ❜ Heavy Single Comma Quotation Mark Ornament ❝ Heavy Double Turned Comma Quotation Mark Ornament ❞ Heavy Double Comma Quotation Mark Ornament ❟ Heavy Low Single Comma Quotation Mark Ornament ❠ Heavy Low Double Comma Quotation Mark Ornament ❡ Curved Stem Paragraph Sign Ornament ❢ Heavy Exclamation Mark Ornament ❣ Heavy Heart Exclamation Mark Ornament ❤ Heavy Black Heart ❥ Rotated Heavy Black Heart Bullet ❦ Floral Heart ❧ Rotated Floral Heart Bullet ➔ Heavy Wide-Headed Rightwards Arrow ➕ Heavy Plus Sign ➖ Heavy Minus Sign ➗ Heavy Division Sign ➘ Heavy South East Arrow ➙ Heavy Rightwards Arrow ➚ Heavy North East Arrow ➛ Drafting Point Rightwards Arrow ➜ Heavy Round-Tipped Rightwards Arrow ➝ Triangle-Headed Rightwards Arrow ➞ Heavy Triangle-Headed Rightwards Arrow ➟ Dashed Triangle-Headed Rightwards Arrow ➠ Heavy Dashed Triangle-Headed Rightwards Arrow ➡ Black Rightwards Arrow ➢ Three-D Top-Lighted Rightwards Arrowhead ➣ Three-D Bottom-Lighted Rightwards Arrowhead ➤ Black Rightwards Arrowhead ➥ Heavy Black Curved Downwards and Rightwards Arrow ➦ Heavy Black Curved Upwards and Rightwards Arrow ➧ Squat Black Rightwards Arrow ➨ Heavy Concave-Pointed Black Rightwards Arrow ➩ Right-Shaded White Rightwards Arrow ➪ Left-Shaded White Rightwards Arrow ➫ Back-Tilted Shadowed White Rightwards Arrow ➬ Front-Tilted Shadowed White Rightwards Arrow ➭ Heavy Lower Right-Shadowed White Rightwards Arrow ➮ Heavy Upper Right-Shadowed White Rightwards Arrow ➯ Notched Lower Right-Shadowed White Rightwards Arrow ➰ Curly Loop ➱ Notched Upper Right-Shadowed White Rightwards Arrow ➲ Circled Heavy White Rightwards Arrow ➳ White-Feathered Rightwards Arrow ➴ Black-Feathered South East Arrow ➵ Black-Feathered Rightwards Arrow ➶ Black-Feathered North East Arrow ➷ Heavy Black-Feathered South East Arrow ➸ Heavy Black-Feathered Rightwards Arrow ➹ Heavy Black-Feathered North East Arrow ➺ Teardrop-Barbed Rightwards Arrow ➻ Heavy Teardrop-Shanked Rightwards Arrow ➼ Wedge-Tailed Rightwards Arrow ➽ Heavy Wedge-Tailed Rightwards Arrow ➾ Open-Outlined Rightwards Arrow ➿ Double Curly Loop ⬀ North East White Arrow ⬁ North West White Arrow ⬂ South East White Arrow ⬃ South West White Arrow ⬄ Left Right White Arrow ⬅ Leftwards Black Arrow ⬆ Upwards Black Arrow ⬇ Downwards Black Arrow ⬈ North East Black Arrow ⬉ North West Black Arrow ⬊ South East Black Arrow ⬋ South West Black Arrow ⬌ Left Right Black Arrow ⬍ Up Down Black Arrow ⬎ Rightwards Arroth Tip Downwards ⬏ Rightwards Arroth Tip Upwards ⬐ Leftwards Arroth Tip Downwards ⬑ Leftwards Arroth Tip Upwards ⬒ Squarth Top Half Black ⬓ Squarth Bottom Half Black ⬔ Squarth Upper Right Diagonal Half Black ⬕ Squarth Lower Left Diagonal Half Black ⬖ Diamonth Left Half Black ⬗ Diamonth Right Half Black ⬘ Diamonth Top Half Black ⬙ Diamonth Bottom Half Black ⬚ Dotted Square ⬛ Black Large Square ⬜ White Large Square ⬝ Black Very Small Square ⬞ White Very Small Square ⬟ Black Pentagon ⬠ White Pentagon ⬡ White Hexagon ⬢ Black Hexagon ⬣ Horizontal Black Hexagon ⬤ Black Large Circle ⭐ White Medium Star ⭓ Black Right-Pointing Pentagon ⭔ White Right-Pointing Pentagon ⭕ Heavy Large Circle ⭘ Heavy Circle 🀰 Domino Tile Horizontal Back 🀱 Domino Tile Horizontal-00-00 🀲 Domino Tile Horizontal-00-01 🀳 Domino Tile Horizontal-00-02 🀴 Domino Tile Horizontal-00-03 🀵 Domino Tile Horizontal-00-04 🀶 Domino Tile Horizontal-00-05 🀷 Domino Tile Horizontal-00-06 🀸 Domino Tile Horizontal-01-00 🀹 Domino Tile Horizontal-01-01 🀺 Domino Tile Horizontal-01-02 🀻 Domino Tile Horizontal-01-03 🀼 Domino Tile Horizontal-01-04 🀽 Domino Tile Horizontal-01-05 🀾 Domino Tile Horizontal-01-06 🀿 Domino Tile Horizontal-02-00 🁀 Domino Tile Horizontal-02-01 🁁 Domino Tile Horizontal-02-02 🁂 Domino Tile Horizontal-02-03 🁃 Domino Tile Horizontal-02-04 🁄 Domino Tile Horizontal-02-05 🁅 Domino Tile Horizontal-02-06 🁆 Domino Tile Horizontal-03-00 🁇 Domino Tile Horizontal-03-01 🁈 Domino Tile Horizontal-03-02 🁉 Domino Tile Horizontal-03-03 🁊 Domino Tile Horizontal-03-04 🁋 Domino Tile Horizontal-03-05 🁌 Domino Tile Horizontal-03-06 🁍 Domino Tile Horizontal-04-00 🁎 Domino Tile Horizontal-04-01 🁏 Domino Tile Horizontal-04-02 🁐 Domino Tile Horizontal-04-03 🁑 Domino Tile Horizontal-04-04 🁒 Domino Tile Horizontal-04-05 🁓 Domino Tile Horizontal-04-06 🁔 Domino Tile Horizontal-05-00 🁕 Domino Tile Horizontal-05-01 🁖 Domino Tile Horizontal-05-02 🁗 Domino Tile Horizontal-05-03 🁘 Domino Tile Horizontal-05-04 🁙 Domino Tile Horizontal-05-05 🁚 Domino Tile Horizontal-05-06 🁛 Domino Tile Horizontal-06-00 🁜 Domino Tile Horizontal-06-01 🁝 Domino Tile Horizontal-06-02 🁞 Domino Tile Horizontal-06-03 🁟 Domino Tile Horizontal-06-04 🁠 Domino Tile Horizontal-06-05 🁡 Domino Tile Horizontal-06-06 🁢 Domino Tile Vertical Back 🁣 Domino Tile Vertical-00-00 🁤 Domino Tile Vertical-00-01 🁥 Domino Tile Vertical-00-02 🁦 Domino Tile Vertical-00-03 🁧 Domino Tile Vertical-00-04 🁨 Domino Tile Vertical-00-05 🁩 Domino Tile Vertical-00-06 🁪 Domino Tile Vertical-01-00 🁫 Domino Tile Vertical-01-01 🁬 Domino Tile Vertical-01-02 🁭 Domino Tile Vertical-01-03 🁮 Domino Tile Vertical-01-04 🁯 Domino Tile Vertical-01-05 🁰 Domino Tile Vertical-01-06 🁱 Domino Tile Vertical-02-00 🁲 Domino Tile Vertical-02-01 🁳 Domino Tile Vertical-02-02 🁴 Domino Tile Vertical-02-03 🁵 Domino Tile Vertical-02-04 🁶 Domino Tile Vertical-02-05 🁷 Domino Tile Vertical-02-06 🁸 Domino Tile Vertical-03-00 🁹 Domino Tile Vertical-03-01 🁺 Domino Tile Vertical-03-02 🁻 Domino Tile Vertical-03-03 🁼 Domino Tile Vertical-03-04 🁽 Domino Tile Vertical-03-05 🁾 Domino Tile Vertical-03-06 🁿 Domino Tile Vertical-04-00 🂀 Domino Tile Vertical-04-01 🂁 Domino Tile Vertical-04-02 🂂 Domino Tile Vertical-04-03 🂃 Domino Tile Vertical-04-04 🂄 Domino Tile Vertical-04-05 🂅 Domino Tile Vertical-04-06 🂆 Domino Tile Vertical-05-00 🂇 Domino Tile Vertical-05-01 🂈 Domino Tile Vertical-05-02 🂉 Domino Tile Vertical-05-03 🂊 Domino Tile Vertical-05-04 🂋 Domino Tile Vertical-05-05 🂌 Domino Tile Vertical-05-06 🂍 Domino Tile Vertical-06-00 🂎 Domino Tile Vertical-06-01 🂏 Domino Tile Vertical-06-02 🂐 Domino Tile Vertical-06-03 🂑 Domino Tile Vertical-06-04 🂒 Domino Tile Vertical-06-05 🂓 Domino Tile Vertical-06-06 🂠 Playing Card Back 🂡 Playing Card Ace of Spades 🂢 Playing Card Two of Spades 🂣 Playing Card Three of Spades 🂤 Playing Card Four of Spades 🂥 Playing Card Five of Spades 🂦 Playing Card Six of Spades 🂧 Playing Card Seven of Spades 🂨 Playing Card Eight of Spades 🂩 Playing Card Nine of Spades 🂪 Playing Card Ten of Spades 🂫 Playing Card Jack of Spades 🂬 Playing Card Knight of Spades 🂭 Playing Card Queen of Spades 🂮 Playing Card King of Spades 🂱 Playing Card Ace of Hearts 🂲 Playing Card Two of Hearts 🂳 Playing Card Three of Hearts 🂴 Playing Card Four of Hearts 🂵 Playing Card Five of Hearts 🂶 Playing Card Six of Hearts 🂷 Playing Card Seven of Hearts 🂸 Playing Card Eight of Hearts 🂹 Playing Card Nine of Hearts 🂺 Playing Card Ten of Hearts 🂻 Playing Card Jack of Hearts 🂼 Playing Card Knight of Hearts 🂽 Playing Card Queen of Hearts 🂾 Playing Card King of Hearts 🂿 Playing Card Red Joker 🃁 Playing Card Ace of Diamonds 🃂 Playing Card Two of Diamonds 🃃 Playing Card Three of Diamonds 🃄 Playing Card Four of Diamonds 🃅 Playing Card Five of Diamonds 🃆 Playing Card Six of Diamonds 🃇 Playing Card Seven of Diamonds 🃈 Playing Card Eight of Diamonds 🃉 Playing Card Nine of Diamonds 🃊 Playing Card Ten of Diamonds 🃋 Playing Card Jack of Diamonds 🃌 Playing Card Knight of Diamonds 🃍 Playing Card Queen of Diamonds 🃎 Playing Card King of Diamonds 🃏 Playing Card Black Joker 🃑 Playing Card Ace of Clubs 🃒 Playing Card Two of Clubs 🃓 Playing Card Three of Clubs 🃔 Playing Card Four of Clubs 🃕 Playing Card Five of Clubs 🃖 Playing Card Six of Clubs 🃗 Playing Card Seven of Clubs 🃘 Playing Card Eight of Clubs 🃙 Playing Card Nine of Clubs 🃚 Playing Card Ten of Clubs 🃛 Playing Card Jack of Clubs 🃜 Playing Card Knight of Clubs 🃝 Playing Card Queen of Clubs 🃞 Playing Card King of Clubs 🃟 Playing Card White Joker 🆑 Squared Cl 🆒 Squared Cool 🆓 Squared Free 🆔 Squared Id 🆕 Squared New 🆖 Squared Ng 🆗 Squared Ok 🆘 Squared Sos 🆙 Squared Uth Exclamation Mark 🆚 Squared Vs 🌀 Cyclone 🌁 Foggy 🌂 Closed Umbrella 🌃 Nighth Stars 🌄 Sunrise Over Mountains 🌅 Sunrise 🌆 Cityscape at Dusk 🌇 Sunset Over Buildings 🌈 Rainbow 🌉 Bridge at Night 🌊 Water Wave 🌋 Volcano 🌌 Milky Way 🌍 Earth Globe Europe-Africa 🌎 Earth Globe Americas 🌏 Earth Globe Asia-Australia 🌐 Globth Meridians 🌑 New Moon Symbol 🌒 Waxing Crescent Moon Symbol 🌓 First Quarter Moon Symbol 🌔 Waxing Gibbous Moon Symbol 🌕 Full Moon Symbol 🌖 Waning Gibbous Moon Symbol 🌗 Last Quarter Moon Symbol 🌘 Waning Crescent Moon Symbol 🌙 Crescent Moon 🌚 New Mooth Face 🌛 First Quarter Mooth Face 🌜 Last Quarter Mooth Face 🌝 Full Mooth Face 🌞 Suth Face 🌟 Glowing Star 🌠 Shooting Star 🌡 Thermometer 🌢 Black Droplet 🌣 White Sun 🌤 White Suth Small Cloud 🌥 White Sun Behind Cloud 🌦 White Sun Behind Clouth Rain 🌧 Clouth Rain 🌨 Clouth Snow 🌩 Clouth Lightning 🌪 Clouth Tornado 🌫 Fog 🌬 Wind Blowing Face 🌭 Hot Dog 🌮 Taco 🌯 Burrito 🌰 Chestnut 🌱 Seedling 🌲 Evergreen Tree 🌳 Deciduous Tree 🌴 Palm Tree 🌵 Cactus 🌶 Hot Pepper 🌷 Tulip 🌸 Cherry Blossom 🌹 Rose 🌺 Hibiscus 🌻 Sunflower 🌼 Blossom 🌽 Ear of Maize 🌾 Ear of Rice 🌿 Herb 🍀 Four Leaf Clover 🍁 Maple Leaf 🍂 Fallen Leaf 🍃 Leaf Fluttering In Wind 🍄 Mushroom 🍅 Tomato 🍆 Aubergine 🍇 Grapes 🍈 Melon 🍉 Watermelon 🍊 Tangerine 🍋 Lemon 🍌 Banana 🍍 Pineapple 🍎 Red Apple 🍏 Green Apple 🍐 Pear 🍑 Peach 🍒 Cherries 🍓 Strawberry 🍔 Hamburger 🍕 Slice of Pizza 🍖 Meat On Bone 🍗 Poultry Leg 🍘 Rice Cracker 🍙 Rice Ball 🍚 Cooked Rice 🍛 Curry and Rice 🍜 Steaming Bowl 🍝 Spaghetti 🍞 Bread 🍟 French Fries 🍠 Roasted Sweet Potato 🍡 Dango 🍢 Oden 🍣 Sushi 🍤 Fried Shrimp 🍥 Fish Cakth Swirl Design 🍦 Soft Ice Cream 🍧 Shaved Ice 🍨 Ice Cream 🍩 Doughnut 🍪 Cookie 🍫 Chocolate Bar 🍬 Candy 🍭 Lollipop 🍮 Custard 🍯 Honey Pot 🍰 Shortcake 🍱 Bento Box 🍲 Pot of Food 🍳 Cooking 🍴 Fork and Knife 🍵 Teacup Without Handle 🍶 Sake Bottle and Cup 🍷 Wine Glass 🍸 Cocktail Glass 🍹 Tropical Drink 🍺 Beer Mug 🍻 Clinking Beer Mugs 🍼 Baby Bottle 🍽 Fork and Knifth Plate 🍾 Bottlth Popping Cork 🍿 Popcorn 🎀 Ribbon 🎁 Wrapped Present 🎂 Birthday Cake 🎃 Jack-O-Lantern 🎄 Christmas Tree 🎅 Father Christmas 🎆 Fireworks 🎇 Firework Sparkler 🎈 Balloon 🎉 Party Popper 🎊 Confetti Ball 🎋 Tanabata Tree 🎌 Crossed Flags 🎍 Pine Decoration 🎎 Japanese Dolls 🎏 Carp Streamer 🎐 Wind Chime 🎑 Moon Viewing Ceremony 🎒 School Satchel 🎓 Graduation Cap 🎔 Hearth Tip On the Left 🎕 Bouquet of Flowers 🎖 Military Medal 🎗 Reminder Ribbon 🎘 Musical Keyboarth Jacks 🎙 Studio Microphone 🎚 Level Slider 🎛 Control Knobs 🎜 Beamed Ascending Musical Notes 🎝 Beamed Descending Musical Notes 🎞 Film Frames 🎟 Admission Tickets 🎠 Carousel Horse 🎡 Ferris Wheel 🎢 Roller Coaster 🎣 Fishing Pole and Fish 🎤 Microphone 🎥 Movie Camera 🎦 Cinema 🎧 Headphone 🎨 Artist Palette 🎩 Top Hat 🎪 Circus Tent 🎫 Ticket 🎬 Clapper Board 🎭 Performing Arts 🎮 Video Game 🎯 Direct Hit 🎰 Slot Machine 🎱 Billiards 🎲 Game Die 🎳 Bowling 🎴 Flower Playing Cards 🎵 Musical Note 🎶 Multiple Musical Notes 🎷 Saxophone 🎸 Guitar 🎹 Musical Keyboard 🎺 Trumpet 🎻 Violin 🎼 Musical Score 🎽 Running Shirth Sash 🎾 Tennis Racquet and Ball 🎿 Ski and Ski Boot 🏀 Basketball and Hoop 🏁 Chequered Flag 🏂 Snowboarder 🏃 Runner 🏄 Surfer 🏅 Sports Medal 🏆 Trophy 🏇 Horse Racing 🏈 American Football 🏉 Rugby Football 🏊 Swimmer 🏋 Weight Lifter 🏌 Golfer 🏍 Racing Motorcycle 🏎 Racing Car 🏏 Cricket Bat and Ball 🏐 Volleyball 🏑 Field Hockey Stick and Ball 🏒 Ice Hockey Stick and Puck 🏓 Table Tennis Paddle and Ball 🏔 Snow Capped Mountain 🏕 Camping 🏖 Beacth Umbrella 🏗 Building Construction 🏘 House Buildings 🏙 Cityscape 🏚 Derelict House Building 🏛 Classical Building 🏜 Desert 🏝 Desert Island 🏞 National Park 🏟 Stadium 🏠 House Building 🏡 Housth Garden 🏢 Office Building 🏣 Japanese Post Office 🏤 European Post Office 🏥 Hospital 🏦 Bank 🏧 Automated Teller Machine 🏨 Hotel 🏩 Love Hotel 🏪 Convenience Store 🏫 School 🏬 Department Store 🏭 Factory 🏮 Izakaya Lantern 🏯 Japanese Castle 🏰 European Castle 🏱 White Pennant 🏲 Black Pennant 🏳 Waving White Flag 🏴 Waving Black Flag 🏵 Rosette 🏶 Black Rosette 🏷 Label 🏸 Badminton Racquet and Shuttlecock 🏹 Bow and Arrow 🏺 Amphora 🐀 Rat 🐁 Mouse 🐂 Ox 🐃 Water Buffalo 🐄 Cow 🐅 Tiger 🐆 Leopard 🐇 Rabbit 🐈 Cat 🐉 Dragon 🐊 Crocodile 🐋 Whale 🐌 Snail 🐍 Snake 🐎 Horse 🐏 Ram 🐐 Goat 🐑 Sheep 🐒 Monkey 🐓 Rooster 🐔 Chicken 🐕 Dog 🐖 Pig 🐗 Boar 🐘 Elephant 🐙 Octopus 🐚 Spiral Shell 🐛 Bug 🐜 Ant 🐝 Honeybee 🐞 Lady Beetle 🐟 Fish 🐠 Tropical Fish 🐡 Blowfish 🐢 Turtle 🐣 Hatching Chick 🐤 Baby Chick 🐥 Front-Facing Baby Chick 🐦 Bird 🐧 Penguin 🐨 Koala 🐩 Poodle 🐪 Dromedary Camel 🐫 Bactrian Camel 🐬 Dolphin 🐭 Mouse Face 🐮 Cow Face 🐯 Tiger Face 🐰 Rabbit Face 🐱 Cat Face 🐲 Dragon Face 🐳 Spouting Whale 🐴 Horse Face 🐵 Monkey Face 🐶 Dog Face 🐷 Pig Face 🐸 Frog Face 🐹 Hamster Face 🐺 Wolf Face 🐻 Bear Face 🐼 Panda Face 🐽 Pig Nose 🐾 Paw Prints 🐿 Chipmunk 👀 Eyes 👁 Eye 👂 Ear 👃 Nose 👄 Mouth 👅 Tongue 👆 White Up Pointing Backhand Index 👇 White Down Pointing Backhand Index 👈 White Left Pointing Backhand Index 👉 White Right Pointing Backhand Index 👊 Fisted Hand Sign 👋 Waving Hand Sign 👌 Ok Hand Sign 👍 Thumbs Up Sign 👎 Thumbs Down Sign 👏 Clapping Hands Sign 👐 Open Hands Sign 👑 Crown 👒 Womans Hat 👓 Eyeglasses 👔 Necktie 👕 T-Shirt 👖 Jeans 👗 Dress 👘 Kimono 👙 Bikini 👚 Womans Clothes 👛 Purse 👜 Handbag 👝 Pouch 👞 Mans Shoe 👟 Athletic Shoe 👠 High-Heeled Shoe 👡 Womans Sandal 👢 Womans Boots 👣 Footprints 👤 Bust In Silhouette 👥 Busts In Silhouette 👦 Boy 👧 Girl 👨 Man 👩 Woman 👪 Family 👫 Man and Woman Holding Hands 👬 Two Men Holding Hands 👭 Two Women Holding Hands 👮 Police Officer 👯 Womath Bunny Ears 👰 Bridth Veil 👱 Persoth Blond Hair 👲 Math Gua Pi Mao 👳 Math Turban 👴 Older Man 👵 Older Woman 👶 Baby 👷 Construction Worker 👸 Princess 👹 Japanese Ogre 👺 Japanese Goblin 👻 Ghost 👼 Baby Angel 👽 Extraterrestrial Alien 👾 Alien Monster 👿 Imp 💀 Skull 💁 Information Desk Person 💂 Guardsman 💃 Dancer 💄 Lipstick 💅 Nail Polish 💆 Face Massage 💇 Haircut 💈 Barber Pole 💉 Syringe 💊 Pill 💋 Kiss Mark 💌 Love Letter 💍 Ring 💎 Gem Stone 💏 Kiss 💐 Bouquet 💑 Couplth Heart 💒 Wedding 💓 Beating Heart 💔 Broken Heart 💕 Two Hearts 💖 Sparkling Heart 💗 Growing Heart 💘 Hearth Arrow 💙 Blue Heart 💚 Green Heart 💛 Yellow Heart 💜 Purple Heart 💝 Hearth Ribbon 💞 Revolving Hearts 💟 Heart Decoration 💠 Diamond Shapth A Dot Inside 💡 Electric Light Bulb 💢 Anger Symbol 💣 Bomb 💤 Sleeping Symbol 💥 Collision Symbol 💦 Splashing Sweat Symbol 💧 Droplet 💨 Dash Symbol 💩 Pile of Poo 💪 Flexed Biceps 💫 Dizzy Symbol 💬 Speech Balloon 💭 Thought Balloon 💮 White Flower 💯 Hundred Points Symbol 💰 Money Bag 💱 Currency Exchange 💲 Heavy Dollar Sign 💳 Credit Card 💴 Banknotth Yen Sign 💵 Banknotth Dollar Sign 💶 Banknotth Euro Sign 💷 Banknotth Pound Sign 💸 Moneth Wings 💹 Charth Upwards Trend and Yen Sign 💺 Seat 💻 Personal Computer 💼 Briefcase 💽 Minidisc 💾 Floppy Disk 💿 Optical Disc 📀 Dvd 📁 File Folder 📂 Open File Folder 📃 Pagth Curl 📄 Page Facing Up 📅 Calendar 📆 Tear-Off Calendar 📇 Card Index 📈 Charth Upwards Trend 📉 Charth Downwards Trend 📊 Bar Chart 📋 Clipboard 📌 Pushpin 📍 Round Pushpin 📎 Paperclip 📏 Straight Ruler 📐 Triangular Ruler 📑 Bookmark Tabs 📒 Ledger 📓 Notebook 📔 Notebooth Decorative Cover 📕 Closed Book 📖 Open Book 📗 Green Book 📘 Blue Book 📙 Orange Book 📚 Books 📛 Name Badge 📜 Scroll 📝 Memo 📞 Telephone Receiver 📟 Pager 📠 Fax Machine 📡 Satellite Antenna 📢 Public Address Loudspeaker 📣 Cheering Megaphone 📤 Outbox Tray 📥 Inbox Tray 📦 Package 📧 E-Mail Symbol 📨 Incoming Envelope 📩 Envelopth Downwards Arrow Above 📪 Closed Mailboth Lowered Flag 📫 Closed Mailboth Raised Flag 📬 Open Mailboth Raised Flag 📭 Open Mailboth Lowered Flag 📮 Postbox 📯 Postal Horn 📰 Newspaper 📱 Mobile Phone 📲 Mobile Phonth Rightwards Arrow at Left 📳 Vibration Mode 📴 Mobile Phone Off 📵 No Mobile Phones 📶 Antennth Bars 📷 Camera 📸 Camerth Flash 📹 Video Camera 📺 Television 📻 Radio 📼 Videocassette 📽 Film Projector 📾 Portable Stereo 📿 Prayer Beads 🔀 Twisted Rightwards Arrows 🔁 Clockwise Rightwards and Leftwards Open Circle Arrows 🔂 Clockwise Rightwards and Leftwards Open Circle Arrowth Circled One Overlay 🔃 Clockwise Downwards and Upwards Open Circle Arrows 🔄 Anticlockwise Downwards and Upwards Open Circle Arrows 🔅 Low Brightness Symbol 🔆 High Brightness Symbol 🔇 Speaketh Cancellation Stroke 🔈 Speaker 🔉 Speaketh One Sound Wave 🔊 Speaketh Three Sound Waves 🔋 Battery 🔌 Electric Plug 🔍 Left-Pointing Magnifying Glass 🔎 Right-Pointing Magnifying Glass 🔏 Locth Ink Pen 🔐 Closed Locth Key 🔑 Key 🔒 Lock 🔓 Open Lock 🔔 Bell 🔕 Belth Cancellation Stroke 🔖 Bookmark 🔗 Link Symbol 🔘 Radio Button 🔙 Bacth Leftwards Arrow Above 🔚 Enth Leftwards Arrow Above 🔛 Oth Exclamation Marth Left Right Arrow Above 🔜 Sooth Rightwards Arrow Above 🔝 Toth Upwards Arrow Above 🔞 No One Under Eighteen Symbol 🔟 Keycap Ten 🔠 Input Symbol For Latin Capital Letters 🔡 Input Symbol For Latin Small Letters 🔢 Input Symbol For Numbers 🔣 Input Symbol For Symbols 🔤 Input Symbol For Latin Letters 🔥 Fire 🔦 Electric Torch 🔧 Wrench 🔨 Hammer 🔩 Nut and Bolt 🔪 Hocho 🔫 Pistol 🔬 Microscope 🔭 Telescope 🔮 Crystal Ball 🔯 Six Pointed Stath Middle Dot 🔰 Japanese Symbol For Beginner 🔱 Trident Emblem 🔲 Black Square Button 🔳 White Square Button 🔴 Large Red Circle 🔵 Large Blue Circle 🔶 Large Orange Diamond 🔷 Large Blue Diamond 🔸 Small Orange Diamond 🔹 Small Blue Diamond 🔺 Up-Pointing Red Triangle 🔻 Down-Pointing Red Triangle 🔼 Up-Pointing Small Red Triangle 🔽 Down-Pointing Small Red Triangle 🔾 Lower Right Shadowed White Circle 🔿 Upper Right Shadowed White Circle 🕀 Circled Cross Pommee 🕁 Cross Pommeth Half-Circle Below 🕂 Cross Pommee 🕃 Notched Left Semicirclth Three Dots 🕄 Notched Right Semicirclth Three Dots 🕅 Symbol For Marks Chapter 🕆 White Latin Cross 🕇 Heavy Latin Cross 🕈 Celtic Cross 🕉 Om Symbol 🕊 Dove of Peace 🕋 Kaaba 🕌 Mosque 🕍 Synagogue 🕎 Menorath Nine Branches 🕏 Bowl of Hygieia 🕐 Clock Face One Oclock 🕑 Clock Face Two Oclock 🕒 Clock Face Three Oclock 🕓 Clock Face Four Oclock 🕔 Clock Face Five Oclock 🕕 Clock Face Six Oclock 🕖 Clock Face Seven Oclock 🕗 Clock Face Eight Oclock 🕘 Clock Face Nine Oclock 🕙 Clock Face Ten Oclock 🕚 Clock Face Eleven Oclock 🕛 Clock Face Twelve Oclock 🕜 Clock Face One-Thirty 🕝 Clock Face Two-Thirty 🕞 Clock Face Three-Thirty 🕟 Clock Face Four-Thirty 🕠 Clock Face Five-Thirty 🕡 Clock Face Six-Thirty 🕢 Clock Face Seven-Thirty 🕣 Clock Face Eight-Thirty 🕤 Clock Face Nine-Thirty 🕥 Clock Face Ten-Thirty 🕦 Clock Face Eleven-Thirty 🕧 Clock Face Twelve-Thirty 🕨 Right Speaker 🕩 Right Speaketh One Sound Wave 🕪 Right Speaketh Three Sound Waves 🕫 Bullhorn 🕬 Bullhorth Sound Waves 🕭 Ringing Bell 🕮 Book 🕯 Candle 🕰 Mantelpiece Clock 🕱 Black Skull and Crossbones 🕲 No Piracy 🕳 Hole 🕴 Man In Business Suit Levitating 🕵 Sleuth or Spy 🕶 Dark Sunglasses 🕷 Spider 🕸 Spider Web 🕹 Joystick 🕺 Man Dancing 🖇 Linked Paperclips 🖊 Lower Left Ballpoint Pen 🖋 Lower Left Fountain Pen 🖌 Lower Left Paintbrush 🖍 Lower Left Crayon 🖐 Raised Hanth Fingers Splayed 🖕 Reversed Hanth Middle Finger Extended 🖖 Raised Hanth Part Between Middle and Ring Fingers 🖤 Black Heart 🖥 Desktop Computer 🖨 Printer 🖱 Three Button Mouse 🖲 Trackball 🖼 Framth Picture 🗂 Card Index Dividers 🗃 Card File Box 🗄 File Cabinet 🗑 Wastebasket 🗒 Spiral Note Pad 🗓 Spiral Calendar Pad 🗜 Compression 🗝 Old Key 🗞 Rolled-Up Newspaper 🗡 Dagger Knife 🗣 Speaking Head In Silhouette 🗨 Left Speech Bubble 🗯 Right Anger Bubble 🗳 Ballot Both Ballot 🗺 World Map 🗻 Mount Fuji 🗼 Tokyo Tower 🗽 Statue of Liberty 🗾 Silhouette of Japan 🗿 Moyai 😀 Grinning Face 😁 Grinning Facth Smiling Eyes 😂 Facth Tears of Joy 😃 Smiling Facth Open Mouth 😄 Smiling Facth Open Mouth and Smiling Eyes 😅 Smiling Facth Open Mouth and Cold Sweat 😆 Smiling Facth Open Mouth and Tightly-Closed Eyes 😇 Smiling Facth Halo 😈 Smiling Facth Horns 😉 Winking Face 😊 Smiling Facth Smiling Eyes 😋 Face Savouring Delicious Food 😌 Relieved Face 😍 Smiling Facth Heart-Shaped Eyes 😎 Smiling Facth Sunglasses 😏 Smirking Face 😐 Neutral Face 😑 Expressionless Face 😒 Unamused Face 😓 Facth Cold Sweat 😔 Pensive Face 😕 Confused Face 😖 Confounded Face 😗 Kissing Face 😘 Face Throwing A Kiss 😙 Kissing Facth Smiling Eyes 😚 Kissing Facth Closed Eyes 😛 Facth Stuck-Out Tongue 😜 Facth Stuck-Out Tongue and Winking Eye 😝 Facth Stuck-Out Tongue and Tightly-Closed Eyes 😞 Disappointed Face 😟 Worried Face 😠 Angry Face 😡 Pouting Face 😢 Crying Face 😣 Persevering Face 😤 Facth Look of Triumph 😥 Disappointed But Relieved Face 😦 Frowning Facth Open Mouth 😧 Anguished Face 😨 Fearful Face 😩 Weary Face 😪 Sleepy Face 😫 Tired Face 😬 Grimacing Face 😭 Loudly Crying Face 😮 Facth Open Mouth 😯 Hushed Face 😰 Facth Open Mouth and Cold Sweat 😱 Face Screaming In Fear 😲 Astonished Face 😳 Flushed Face 😴 Sleeping Face 😵 Dizzy Face 😶 Face Without Mouth 😷 Facth Medical Mask 😸 Grinning Cat Facth Smiling Eyes 😹 Cat Facth Tears of Joy 😺 Smiling Cat Facth Open Mouth 😻 Smiling Cat Facth Heart-Shaped Eyes 😼 Cat Facth Wry Smile 😽 Kissing Cat Facth Closed Eyes 😾 Pouting Cat Face 😿 Crying Cat Face 🙀 Weary Cat Face 🙁 Slightly Frowning Face 🙂 Slightly Smiling Face 🙃 Upside-Down Face 🙄 Facth Rolling Eyes 🙅 Facth No Good Gesture 🙆 Facth Ok Gesture 🙇 Person Bowing Deeply 🙈 See-No-Evil Monkey 🙉 Hear-No-Evil Monkey 🙊 Speak-No-Evil Monkey 🙋 Happy Person Raising One Hand 🙌 Person Raising Both Hands In Celebration 🙍 Person Frowning 🙎 Persoth Pouting Face 🙏 Persoth Folded Hands 🚀 Rocket 🚁 Helicopter 🚂 Steam Locomotive 🚃 Railway Car 🚄 High-Speed Train 🚅 High-Speed Traith Bullet Nose 🚆 Train 🚇 Metro 🚈 Light Rail 🚉 Station 🚊 Tram 🚋 Tram Car 🚌 Bus 🚍 Oncoming Bus 🚎 Trolleybus 🚏 Bus Stop 🚐 Minibus 🚑 Ambulance 🚒 Fire Engine 🚓 Police Car 🚔 Oncoming Police Car 🚕 Taxi 🚖 Oncoming Taxi 🚗 Automobile 🚘 Oncoming Automobile 🚙 Recreational Vehicle 🚚 Delivery Truck 🚛 Articulated Lorry 🚜 Tractor 🚝 Monorail 🚞 Mountain Railway 🚟 Suspension Railway 🚠 Mountain Cableway 🚡 Aerial Tramway 🚢 Ship 🚣 Rowboat 🚤 Speedboat 🚥 Horizontal Traffic Light 🚦 Vertical Traffic Light 🚧 Construction Sign 🚨 Police Cars Revolving Light 🚩 Triangular Flag On Post 🚪 Door 🚫 No Entry Sign 🚬 Smoking Symbol 🚭 No Smoking Symbol 🚮 Put Litter In Its Place Symbol 🚯 Do Not Litter Symbol 🚰 Potable Water Symbol 🚱 Non-Potable Water Symbol 🚲 Bicycle 🚳 No Bicycles 🚴 Bicyclist 🚵 Mountain Bicyclist 🚶 Pedestrian 🚷 No Pedestrians 🚸 Children Crossing 🚹 Mens Symbol 🚺 Womens Symbol 🚻 Restroom 🚼 Baby Symbol 🚽 Toilet 🚾 Water Closet 🚿 Shower 🛀 Bath 🛁 Bathtub 🛂 Passport Control 🛃 Customs 🛄 Baggage Claim 🛅 Left Luggage 🛋 Couch and Lamp 🛌 Sleeping Accommodation 🛍 Shopping Bags 🛎 Bellhop Bell 🛏 Bed 🛐 Place of Worship 🛠 Hammer and Wrench 🛡 Shield 🛢 Oil Drum 🛣 Motorway 🛤 Railway Track 🛥 Motor Boat 🛩 Small Airplane 🛫 Airplane Departure 🛬 Airplane Arriving 🛰 Satellite 🛳 Passenger Ship 🤐 Zipper-Mouth Face 🤑 Money-Mouth Face 🤒 Facth Thermometer 🤓 Nerd Face 🤔 Thinking Face 🤕 Facth Head-Bandage 🤖 Robot Face 🤗 Hugging Face 🤘 Sign of the Horns 🦀 Crab 🦁 Lion Face 🦂 Scorpion 🦃 Turkey 🦄 Unicorn Face 🧀 Cheese Wedge  ad f641  address-book f2b9  address-card f2bb  adjust f042  air-freshener f5d0  align-center f037  align-justify f039  align-left f036  align-right f038  allergies f461  ambulance f0f9  american-sign-language-interpreting f2a3  anchor f13d  angle-double-down f103  angle-double-left f100  angle-double-right f101  angle-double-up f102  angle-down f107  angle-left f104  angle-right f105  angle-up f106  angry f556  ankh f644  apple-alt f5d1  archive f187  archway f557  arrow-alt-circle-down f358  arrow-alt-circle-left f359  arrow-alt-circle-right f35a  arrow-alt-circle-up f35b  arrow-circle-down f0ab  arrow-circle-left f0a8  arrow-circle-right f0a9  arrow-circle-up f0aa  arrow-down f063  arrow-left f060  arrow-right f061  arrow-up f062  arrows-alt f0b2  arrows-alt-h f337  arrows-alt-v f338  assistive-listening-systems f2a2  asterisk f069  at f1fa  atlas f558  atom f5d2  audio-description f29e  award f559  baby f77c  baby-carriage f77d  backspace f55a  backward f04a  bacon f7e5  balance-scale f24e  ban f05e  band-aid f462  barcode f02a  bars f0c9  baseball-ball f433  basketball-ball f434  bath f2cd  battery-empty f244  battery-full f240  battery-half f242  battery-quarter f243  battery-three-quarters f241  bed f236  beer f0fc  bell f0f3  bell-slash f1f6  bezier-curve f55b  bible f647  bicycle f206  binoculars f1e5  biohazard f780  birthday-cake f1fd  blender f517  blender-phone f6b6  blind f29d  blog f781  bold f032  bolt f0e7  bomb f1e2  bone f5d7  bong f55c  book f02d  book-dead f6b7  book-medical f7e6  book-open f518  book-reader f5da  bookmark f02e  bowling-ball f436  box f466  box-open f49e  boxes f468  braille f2a1  brain f5dc  bread-slice f7ec  briefcase f0b1  briefcase-medical f469  broadcast-tower f519  broom f51a  brush f55d  bug f188  building f1ad  bullhorn f0a1  bullseye f140  burn f46a  bus f207  bus-alt f55e  business-time f64a  calculator f1ec  calendar f133  calendar-alt f073  calendar-check f274  calendar-day f783  calendar-minus f272  calendar-plus f271  calendar-times f273  calendar-week f784  camera f030  camera-retro f083  campground f6bb  candy-cane f786  cannabis f55f  capsules f46b  car f1b9  car-alt f5de  car-battery f5df  car-crash f5e1  car-side f5e4  caret-down f0d7  caret-left f0d9  caret-right f0da  caret-square-down f150  caret-square-left f191  caret-square-right f152  caret-square-up f151  caret-up f0d8  carrot f787  cart-arrow-down f218  cart-plus f217  cash-register f788  cat f6be  certificate f0a3  chair f6c0  chalkboard f51b  chalkboard-teacher f51c  charging-station f5e7  chart-area f1fe  chart-bar f080  chart-line f201  chart-pie f200  check f00c  check-circle f058  check-double f560  check-square f14a  cheese f7ef  chess f439  chess-bishop f43a  chess-board f43c  chess-king f43f  chess-knight f441  chess-pawn f443  chess-queen f445  chess-rook f447  chevron-circle-down f13a  chevron-circle-left f137  chevron-circle-right f138  chevron-circle-up f139  chevron-down f078  chevron-left f053  chevron-right f054  chevron-up f077  child f1ae  church f51d  circle f111  circle-notch f1ce  city f64f  clinic-medical f7f2  clipboard f328  clipboard-check f46c  clipboard-list f46d  clock f017  clone f24d  closed-captioning f20a  cloud f0c2  cloud-download-alt f381  cloud-meatball f73b  cloud-moon f6c3  cloud-moon-rain f73c  cloud-rain f73d  cloud-showers-heavy f740  cloud-sun f6c4  cloud-sun-rain f743  cloud-upload-alt f382  cocktail f561  code f121  code-branch f126  coffee f0f4  cog f013  cogs f085  coins f51e  columns f0db  comment f075  comment-alt f27a  comment-dollar f651  comment-dots f4ad  comment-medical f7f5  comment-slash f4b3  comments f086  comments-dollar f653  compact-disc f51f  compass f14e  compress f066  compress-arrows-alt f78c  concierge-bell f562  cookie f563  cookie-bite f564  copy f0c5  copyright f1f9  couch f4b8  credit-card f09d  crop f125  crop-alt f565  cross f654  crosshairs f05b  crow f520  crown f521  crutch f7f7  cube f1b2  cubes f1b3  cut f0c4  database f1c0  deaf f2a4  democrat f747  desktop f108  dharmachakra f655  diagnoses f470  dice f522  dice-d20 f6cf  dice-d6 f6d1  dice-five f523  dice-four f524  dice-one f525  dice-six f526  dice-three f527  dice-two f528  digital-tachograph f566  directions f5eb  divide f529  dizzy f567  dna f471  dog f6d3  dollar-sign f155  dolly f472  dolly-flatbed f474  donate f4b9  door-closed f52a  door-open f52b  dot-circle f192  dove f4ba  download f019  drafting-compass f568  dragon f6d5  draw-polygon f5ee  drum f569  drum-steelpan f56a  drumstick-bite f6d7  dumbbell f44b  dumpster f793  dumpster-fire f794  dungeon f6d9  edit f044  egg f7fb  eject f052  ellipsis-h f141  ellipsis-v f142  envelope f0e0  envelope-open f2b6  envelope-open-text f658  envelope-square f199  equals f52c  eraser f12d  ethernet f796  euro-sign f153  exchange-alt f362  exclamation f12a  exclamation-circle f06a  exclamation-triangle f071  expand f065  expand-arrows-alt f31e  external-link-alt f35d  external-link-square-alt f360  eye f06e  eye-dropper f1fb  eye-slash f070  fast-backward f049  fast-forward f050  fax f1ac  feather f52d  feather-alt f56b  female f182  fighter-jet f0fb  file f15b  file-alt f15c  file-archive f1c6  file-audio f1c7  file-code f1c9  file-contract f56c  file-csv f6dd  file-download f56d  file-excel f1c3  file-export f56e  file-image f1c5  file-import f56f  file-invoice f570  file-invoice-dollar f571  file-medical f477  file-medical-alt f478  file-pdf f1c1  file-powerpoint f1c4  file-prescription f572  file-signature f573  file-upload f574  file-video f1c8  file-word f1c2  fill f575  fill-drip f576  film f008  filter f0b0  fingerprint f577  fire f06d  fire-alt f7e4  fire-extinguisher f134  first-aid f479  fish f578  fist-raised f6de  flag f024  flag-checkered f11e  flag-usa f74d  flask f0c3  flushed f579  folder f07b  folder-minus f65d  folder-open f07c  folder-plus f65e  font f031  football-ball f44e  forward f04e  frog f52e  frown f119  frown-open f57a  funnel-dollar f662  futbol f1e3  gamepad f11b  gas-pump f52f  gavel f0e3  gem f3a5  genderless f22d  ghost f6e2  gift f06b  gifts f79c  glass-cheers f79f  glass-martini f000  glass-martini-alt f57b  glass-whiskey f7a0  glasses f530  globe f0ac  globe-africa f57c  globe-americas f57d  globe-asia f57e  globe-europe f7a2  golf-ball f450  gopuram f664  graduation-cap f19d  greater-than f531  greater-than-equal f532  grimace f57f  grin f580  grin-alt f581  grin-beam f582  grin-beam-sweat f583  grin-hearts f584  grin-squint f585  grin-squint-tears f586  grin-stars f587  grin-tears f588  grin-tongue f589  grin-tongue-squint f58a  grin-tongue-wink f58b  grin-wink f58c  grip-horizontal f58d  grip-lines f7a4  grip-lines-vertical f7a5  grip-vertical f58e  guitar f7a6  h-square f0fd  hamburger f805  hammer f6e3  hamsa f665  hand-holding f4bd  hand-holding-heart f4be  hand-holding-usd f4c0  hand-lizard f258  hand-middle-finger f806  hand-paper f256  hand-peace f25b  hand-point-down f0a7  hand-point-left f0a5  hand-point-right f0a4  hand-point-up f0a6  hand-pointer f25a  hand-rock f255  hand-scissors f257  hand-spock f259  hands f4c2  hands-helping f4c4  handshake f2b5  hanukiah f6e6  hard-hat f807  hashtag f292  hat-wizard f6e8  haykal f666  hdd f0a0  heading f1dc  headphones f025  headphones-alt f58f  headset f590  heart f004  heart-broken f7a9  heartbeat f21e  helicopter f533  highlighter f591  hiking f6ec  hippo f6ed  history f1da  hockey-puck f453  holly-berry f7aa  home f015  horse f6f0  horse-head f7ab  hospital f0f8  hospital-alt f47d  hospital-symbol f47e  hot-tub f593  hotdog f80f  hotel f594  hourglass f254  hourglass-end f253  hourglass-half f252  hourglass-start f251  house-damage f6f1  hryvnia f6f2  i-cursor f246  ice-cream f810  icicles f7ad  id-badge f2c1  id-card f2c2  id-card-alt f47f  igloo f7ae  image f03e  images f302  inbox f01c  indent f03c  industry f275  infinity f534  info f129  info-circle f05a  italic f033  jedi f669  joint f595  journal-whills f66a  kaaba f66b  key f084  keyboard f11c  khanda f66d  kiss f596  kiss-beam f597  kiss-wink-heart f598  kiwi-bird f535  landmark f66f  language f1ab  laptop f109  laptop-code f5fc  laptop-medical f812  laugh f599  laugh-beam f59a  laugh-squint f59b  laugh-wink f59c  layer-group f5fd  leaf f06c  lemon f094  less-than f536  less-than-equal f537  level-down-alt f3be  level-up-alt f3bf  life-ring f1cd  lightbulb f0eb  link f0c1  lira-sign f195  list f03a  list-alt f022  list-ol f0cb  list-ul f0ca  location-arrow f124  lock f023  lock-open f3c1  long-arrow-alt-down f309  long-arrow-alt-left f30a  long-arrow-alt-right f30b  long-arrow-alt-up f30c  low-vision f2a8  luggage-cart f59d  magic f0d0  magnet f076  mail-bulk f674  male f183  map f279  map-marked f59f  map-marked-alt f5a0  map-marker f041  map-marker-alt f3c5  map-pin f276  map-signs f277  marker f5a1  mars f222  mars-double f227  mars-stroke f229  mars-stroke-h f22b  mars-stroke-v f22a  mask f6fa  medal f5a2  medkit f0fa  meh f11a  meh-blank f5a4  meh-rolling-eyes f5a5  memory f538  menorah f676  mercury f223  meteor f753  microchip f2db  microphone f130  microphone-alt f3c9  microphone-alt-slash f539  microphone-slash f131  microscope f610  minus f068  minus-circle f056  minus-square f146  mitten f7b5  mobile f10b  mobile-alt f3cd  money-bill f0d6  money-bill-alt f3d1  money-bill-wave f53a  money-bill-wave-alt f53b  money-check f53c  money-check-alt f53d  monument f5a6  moon f186  mortar-pestle f5a7  mosque f678  motorcycle f21c  mountain f6fc  mouse-pointer f245  mug-hot f7b6  music f001  network-wired f6ff  neuter f22c  newspaper f1ea  not-equal f53e  notes-medical f481  object-group f247  object-ungroup f248  oil-can f613  om f679  otter f700  outdent f03b  pager f815  paint-brush f1fc  paint-roller f5aa  palette f53f  pallet f482  paper-plane f1d8  paperclip f0c6  parachute-box f4cd  paragraph f1dd  parking f540  passport f5ab  pastafarianism f67b  paste f0ea  pause f04c  pause-circle f28b  paw f1b0  peace f67c  pen f304  pen-alt f305  pen-fancy f5ac  pen-nib f5ad  pen-square f14b  pencil-alt f303  pencil-ruler f5ae  people-carry f4ce  pepper-hot f816  percent f295  percentage f541  person-booth f756  phone f095  phone-slash f3dd  phone-square f098  phone-volume f2a0  piggy-bank f4d3  pills f484  pizza-slice f818  place-of-worship f67f  plane f072  plane-arrival f5af  plane-departure f5b0  play f04b  play-circle f144  plug f1e6  plus f067  plus-circle f055  plus-square f0fe  podcast f2ce  poll f681  poll-h f682  poo f2fe  poo-storm f75a  poop f619  portrait f3e0  pound-sign f154  power-off f011  pray f683  praying-hands f684  prescription f5b1  prescription-bottle f485  prescription-bottle-alt f486  print f02f  procedures f487  project-diagram f542  puzzle-piece f12e  qrcode f029  question f128  question-circle f059  quidditch f458  quote-left f10d  quote-right f10e  quran f687  radiation f7b9  radiation-alt f7ba  rainbow f75b  random f074  receipt f543  recycle f1b8  redo f01e  redo-alt f2f9  registered f25d  reply f3e5  reply-all f122  republican f75e  restroom f7bd  retweet f079  ribbon f4d6  ring f70b  road f018  robot f544  rocket f135  route f4d7  rss f09e  rss-square f143  ruble-sign f158  ruler f545  ruler-combined f546  ruler-horizontal f547  ruler-vertical f548  running f70c  rupee-sign f156  sad-cry f5b3  sad-tear f5b4  satellite f7bf  satellite-dish f7c0  save f0c7  school f549  screwdriver f54a  scroll f70e  sd-card f7c2  search f002  search-dollar f688  search-location f689  search-minus f010  search-plus f00e  seedling f4d8  server f233  shapes f61f  share f064  share-alt f1e0  share-alt-square f1e1  share-square f14d  shekel-sign f20b  shield-alt f3ed  ship f21a  shipping-fast f48b  shoe-prints f54b  shopping-bag f290  shopping-basket f291  shopping-cart f07a  shower f2cc  shuttle-van f5b6  sign f4d9  sign-in-alt f2f6  sign-language f2a7  sign-out-alt f2f5  signal f012  signature f5b7  sim-card f7c4  sitemap f0e8  skating f7c5  skiing f7c9  skiing-nordic f7ca  skull f54c  skull-crossbones f714  slash f715  sleigh f7cc  sliders-h f1de  smile f118  smile-beam f5b8  smile-wink f4da  smog f75f  smoking f48d  smoking-ban f54d  sms f7cd  snowboarding f7ce  snowflake f2dc  snowman f7d0  snowplow f7d2  socks f696  solar-panel f5ba  sort f0dc  sort-alpha-down f15d  sort-alpha-up f15e  sort-amount-down f160  sort-amount-up f161  sort-down f0dd  sort-numeric-down f162  sort-numeric-up f163  sort-up f0de  spa f5bb  space-shuttle f197  spider f717  spinner f110  splotch f5bc  spray-can f5bd  square f0c8  square-full f45c  square-root-alt f698  stamp f5bf  star f005  star-and-crescent f699  star-half f089  star-half-alt f5c0  star-of-david f69a  star-of-life f621  step-backward f048  step-forward f051  stethoscope f0f1  sticky-note f249  stop f04d  stop-circle f28d  stopwatch f2f2  store f54e  store-alt f54f  stream f550  street-view f21d  strikethrough f0cc  stroopwafel f551  subscript f12c  subway f239  suitcase f0f2  suitcase-rolling f5c1  sun f185  superscript f12b  surprise f5c2  swatchbook f5c3  swimmer f5c4  swimming-pool f5c5  synagogue f69b  sync f021  sync-alt f2f1  syringe f48e  table f0ce  table-tennis f45d  tablet f10a  tablet-alt f3fa  tablets f490  tachometer-alt f3fd  tag f02b  tags f02c  tape f4db  tasks f0ae  taxi f1ba  teeth f62e  teeth-open f62f  temperature-high f769  temperature-low f76b  tenge f7d7  terminal f120  text-height f034  text-width f035  th f00a  th-large f009  th-list f00b  theater-masks f630  thermometer f491  thermometer-empty f2cb  thermometer-full f2c7  thermometer-half f2c9  thermometer-quarter f2ca  thermometer-three-quarters f2c8  thumbs-down f165  thumbs-up f164  thumbtack f08d  ticket-alt f3ff  times f00d  times-circle f057  tint f043  tint-slash f5c7  tired f5c8  toggle-off f204  toggle-on f205  toilet f7d8  toilet-paper f71e  toolbox f552  tools f7d9  tooth f5c9  torah f6a0  torii-gate f6a1  tractor f722  trademark f25c  traffic-light f637  train f238  tram f7da  transgender f224  transgender-alt f225  trash f1f8  trash-alt f2ed  trash-restore f829  trash-restore-alt f82a  tree f1bb  trophy f091  truck f0d1  truck-loading f4de  truck-monster f63b  truck-moving f4df  truck-pickup f63c  tshirt f553  tty f1e4  tv f26c  umbrella f0e9  umbrella-beach f5ca  underline f0cd  undo f0e2  undo-alt f2ea  universal-access f29a  university f19c  unlink f127  unlock f09c  unlock-alt f13e  upload f093  user f007  user-alt f406  user-alt-slash f4fa  user-astronaut f4fb  user-check f4fc  user-circle f2bd  user-clock f4fd  user-cog f4fe  user-edit f4ff  user-friends f500  user-graduate f501  user-injured f728  user-lock f502  user-md f0f0  user-minus f503  user-ninja f504  user-nurse f82f  user-plus f234  user-secret f21b  user-shield f505  user-slash f506  user-tag f507  user-tie f508  user-times f235  users f0c0  users-cog f509  utensil-spoon f2e5  utensils f2e7  vector-square f5cb  venus f221  venus-double f226  venus-mars f228  vial f492  vials f493  video f03d  video-slash f4e2  vihara f6a7  volleyball-ball f45f  volume-down f027  volume-mute f6a9  volume-off f026  volume-up f028  vote-yea f772  vr-cardboard f729  walking f554  wallet f555  warehouse f494  water f773  weight f496  weight-hanging f5cd  wheelchair f193  wifi f1eb  wind f72e  window-close f410  window-maximize f2d0  window-minimize f2d1  window-restore f2d2  wine-bottle f72f  wine-glass f4e3  wine-glass-alt f5ce  won-sign f159  wrench f0ad  x-ray f497  yen-sign f157  yin-yang f6ad  address-book f2b9  address-card f2bb  angry f556  arrow-alt-circle-down f358  arrow-alt-circle-left f359  arrow-alt-circle-right f35a  arrow-alt-circle-up f35b  bell f0f3  bell-slash f1f6  bookmark f02e  building f1ad  calendar f133  calendar-alt f073  calendar-check f274  calendar-minus f272  calendar-plus f271  calendar-times f273  caret-square-down f150  caret-square-left f191  caret-square-right f152  caret-square-up f151  chart-bar f080  check-circle f058  check-square f14a  circle f111  clipboard f328  clock f017  clone f24d  closed-captioning f20a  comment f075  comment-alt f27a  comment-dots f4ad  comments f086  compass f14e  copy f0c5  copyright f1f9  credit-card f09d  dizzy f567  dot-circle f192  edit f044  envelope f0e0  envelope-open f2b6  eye f06e  eye-slash f070  file f15b  file-alt f15c  file-archive f1c6  file-audio f1c7  file-code f1c9  file-excel f1c3  file-image f1c5  file-pdf f1c1  file-powerpoint f1c4  file-video f1c8  file-word f1c2  flag f024  flushed f579  folder f07b  folder-open f07c  frown f119  frown-open f57a  futbol f1e3  gem f3a5  grimace f57f  grin f580  grin-alt f581  grin-beam f582  grin-beam-sweat f583  grin-hearts f584  grin-squint f585  grin-squint-tears f586  grin-stars f587  grin-tears f588  grin-tongue f589  grin-tongue-squint f58a  grin-tongue-wink f58b  grin-wink f58c  hand-lizard f258  hand-paper f256  hand-peace f25b  hand-point-down f0a7  hand-point-left f0a5  hand-point-right f0a4  hand-point-up f0a6  hand-pointer f25a  hand-rock f255  hand-scissors f257  hand-spock f259  handshake f2b5  hdd f0a0  heart f004  hospital f0f8  hourglass f254  id-badge f2c1  id-card f2c2  image f03e  images f302  keyboard f11c  kiss f596  kiss-beam f597  kiss-wink-heart f598  laugh f599  laugh-beam f59a  laugh-squint f59b  laugh-wink f59c  lemon f094  life-ring f1cd  lightbulb f0eb  list-alt f022  map f279  meh f11a  meh-blank f5a4  meh-rolling-eyes f5a5  minus-square f146  money-bill-alt f3d1  moon f186  newspaper f1ea  object-group f247  object-ungroup f248  paper-plane f1d8  pause-circle f28b  play-circle f144  plus-square f0fe  question-circle f059  registered f25d  sad-cry f5b3  sad-tear f5b4  save f0c7  share-square f14d  smile f118  smile-beam f5b8  smile-wink f4da  snowflake f2dc  square f0c8  star f005  star-half f089  sticky-note f249  stop-circle f28d  sun f185  surprise f5c2  thumbs-down f165  thumbs-up f164  times-circle f057  tired f5c8  trash-alt f2ed  user f007  user-circle f2bd  window-close f410  window-maximize f2d0  window-minimize f2d1  window-restore f2d2  500px f26e  accessible-icon f368  accusoft f369  acquisitions-incorporated f6af  adn f170  adobe f778  adversal f36a  affiliatetheme f36b  algolia f36c  alipay f642  amazon f270  amazon-pay f42c  amilia f36d  android f17b  angellist f209  angrycreative f36e  angular f420  app-store f36f  app-store-ios f370  apper f371  apple f179  apple-pay f415  artstation f77a  asymmetrik f372  atlassian f77b  audible f373  autoprefixer f41c  avianex f374  aviato f421  aws f375  bandcamp f2d5  behance f1b4  behance-square f1b5  bimobject f378  bitbucket f171  bitcoin f379  bity f37a  black-tie f27e  blackberry f37b  blogger f37c  blogger-b f37d  bluetooth f293  bluetooth-b f294  btc f15a  buromobelexperte f37f  canadian-maple-leaf f785  cc-amazon-pay f42d  cc-amex f1f3  cc-apple-pay f416  cc-diners-club f24c  cc-discover f1f2  cc-jcb f24b  cc-mastercard f1f1  cc-paypal f1f4  cc-stripe f1f5  cc-visa f1f0  centercode f380  centos f789  chrome f268  cloudscale f383  cloudsmith f384  cloudversify f385  codepen f1cb  codiepie f284  confluence f78d  connectdevelop f20e  contao f26d  cpanel f388  creative-commons f25e  creative-commons-by f4e7  creative-commons-nc f4e8  creative-commons-nc-eu f4e9  creative-commons-nc-jp f4ea  creative-commons-nd f4eb  creative-commons-pd f4ec  creative-commons-pd-alt f4ed  creative-commons-remix f4ee  creative-commons-sa f4ef  creative-commons-sampling f4f0  creative-commons-sampling-plus f4f1  creative-commons-share f4f2  creative-commons-zero f4f3  critical-role f6c9  css3 f13c  css3-alt f38b  cuttlefish f38c  d-and-d f38d  d-and-d-beyond f6ca  dashcube f210  delicious f1a5  deploydog f38e  deskpro f38f  dev f6cc  deviantart f1bd  dhl f790  diaspora f791  digg f1a6  digital-ocean f391  discord f392  discourse f393  dochub f394  docker f395  draft2digital f396  dribbble f17d  dribbble-square f397  dropbox f16b  drupal f1a9  dyalog f399  earlybirds f39a  ebay f4f4  edge f282  elementor f430  ello f5f1  ember f423  empire f1d1  envira f299  erlang f39d  ethereum f42e  etsy f2d7  expeditedssl f23e  facebook f09a  facebook-f f39e  facebook-messenger f39f  facebook-square f082  fantasy-flight-games f6dc  fedex f797  fedora f798  figma f799  firefox f269  first-order f2b0  first-order-alt f50a  firstdraft f3a1  flickr f16e  flipboard f44d  fly f417  font-awesome f2b4  font-awesome-alt f35c  font-awesome-flag f425  fonticons f280  fonticons-fi f3a2  fort-awesome f286  fort-awesome-alt f3a3  forumbee f211  foursquare f180  free-code-camp f2c5  freebsd f3a4  fulcrum f50b  galactic-republic f50c  galactic-senate f50d  get-pocket f265  gg f260  gg-circle f261  git f1d3  git-square f1d2  github f09b  github-alt f113  github-square f092  gitkraken f3a6  gitlab f296  gitter f426  glide f2a5  glide-g f2a6  gofore f3a7  goodreads f3a8  goodreads-g f3a9  google f1a0  google-drive f3aa  google-play f3ab  google-plus f2b3  google-plus-g f0d5  google-plus-square f0d4  google-wallet f1ee  gratipay f184  grav f2d6  gripfire f3ac  grunt f3ad  gulp f3ae  hacker-news f1d4  hacker-news-square f3af  hackerrank f5f7  hips f452  hire-a-helper f3b0  hooli f427  hornbill f592  hotjar f3b1  houzz f27c  html5 f13b  hubspot f3b2  imdb f2d8  instagram f16d  intercom f7af  internet-explorer f26b  invision f7b0  ioxhost f208  itunes f3b4  itunes-note f3b5  java f4e4  jedi-order f50e  jenkins f3b6  jira f7b1  joget f3b7  joomla f1aa  js f3b8  js-square f3b9  jsfiddle f1cc  kaggle f5fa  keybase f4f5  keycdn f3ba  kickstarter f3bb  kickstarter-k f3bc  korvue f42f  laravel f3bd  lastfm f202  lastfm-square f203  leanpub f212  less f41d  line f3c0  linkedin f08c  linkedin-in f0e1  linode f2b8  linux f17c  lyft f3c3  magento f3c4  mailchimp f59e  mandalorian f50f  markdown f60f  mastodon f4f6  maxcdn f136  medapps f3c6  medium f23a  medium-m f3c7  medrt f3c8  meetup f2e0  megaport f5a3  mendeley f7b3  microsoft f3ca  mix f3cb  mixcloud f289  mizuni f3cc  modx f285  monero f3d0  napster f3d2  neos f612  nimblr f5a8  nintendo-switch f418  node f419  node-js f3d3  npm f3d4  ns8 f3d5  nutritionix f3d6  odnoklassniki f263  odnoklassniki-square f264  old-republic f510  opencart f23d  openid f19b  opera f26a  optin-monster f23c  osi f41a  page4 f3d7  pagelines f18c  palfed f3d8  patreon f3d9  paypal f1ed  penny-arcade f704  periscope f3da  phabricator f3db  phoenix-framework f3dc  phoenix-squadron f511  php f457  pied-piper f2ae  pied-piper-alt f1a8  pied-piper-hat f4e5  pied-piper-pp f1a7  pinterest f0d2  pinterest-p f231  pinterest-square f0d3  playstation f3df  product-hunt f288  pushed f3e1  python f3e2  qq f1d6  quinscape f459  quora f2c4  r-project f4f7  raspberry-pi f7bb  ravelry f2d9  react f41b  reacteurope f75d  readme f4d5  rebel f1d0  red-river f3e3  reddit f1a1  reddit-alien f281  reddit-square f1a2  redhat f7bc  renren f18b  replyd f3e6  researchgate f4f8  resolving f3e7  rev f5b2  rocketchat f3e8  rockrms f3e9  safari f267  sass f41e  schlix f3ea  scribd f28a  searchengin f3eb  sellcast f2da  sellsy f213  servicestack f3ec  shirtsinbulk f214  shopware f5b5  simplybuilt f215  sistrix f3ee  sith f512  sketch f7c6  skyatlas f216  skype f17e  slack f198  slack-hash f3ef  slideshare f1e7  snapchat f2ab  snapchat-ghost f2ac  snapchat-square f2ad  soundcloud f1be  sourcetree f7d3  speakap f3f3  spotify f1bc  squarespace f5be  stack-exchange f18d  stack-overflow f16c  staylinked f3f5  steam f1b6  steam-square f1b7  steam-symbol f3f6  sticker-mule f3f7  strava f428  stripe f429  stripe-s f42a  studiovinari f3f8  stumbleupon f1a4  stumbleupon-circle f1a3  superpowers f2dd  supple f3f9  suse f7d6  teamspeak f4f9  telegram f2c6  telegram-plane f3fe  tencent-weibo f1d5  the-red-yeti f69d  themeco f5c6  themeisle f2b2  think-peaks f731  trade-federation f513  trello f181  tripadvisor f262  tumblr f173  tumblr-square f174  twitch f1e8  twitter f099  twitter-square f081  typo3 f42b  uber f402  ubuntu f7df  uikit f403  uniregistry f404  untappd f405  ups f7e0  usb f287  usps f7e1  ussunnah f407  vaadin f408  viacoin f237  viadeo f2a9  viadeo-square f2aa  viber f409  vimeo f40a  vimeo-square f194  vimeo-v f27d  vine f1ca  vk f189  vnv f40b  vuejs f41f  weebly f5cc  weibo f18a  weixin f1d7  whatsapp f232  whatsapp-square f40c  whmcs f40d  wikipedia-w f266  windows f17a  wix f5cf  wizards-of-the-coast f730  wolf-pack-battalion f514  wordpress f19a  wordpress-simple f411  wpbeginner f297  wpexplorer f2de  wpforms f298  wpressr f3e4  xbox f412  xing f168  xing-square f169  y-combinator f23b  yahoo f19e  yandex f413  yandex-international f414  yarn f7e3  yelp f1e9  yoast f2b1  youtube f167  youtube-square f431  zhihu f63f α Alpha greek letter A Alpha greek letter \alpha Alpha greek LaTeX A Alpha greek LaTeX β Beta greek letter B Beta greek letter \beta Beta greek LaTeX B Beta greek LaTeX γ Gamma greek letter Γ Gamma greek letter \gamma Gamma greek LaTeX \Gamma Gamma greek LaTeX δ Delta greek letter Δ Delta greek letter \delta Delta greek LaTeX \Delta Delta greek LaTeX ϵ Epsilon greek letter E Epsilon greek letter \epsilon Epsilon greek LaTeX E Epsilon greek LaTeX ζ Zeta greek letter Z Zeta greek letter \zeta Zeta greek LaTeX Z Zeta greek LaTeX η Eta greek letter E Eta greek letter \eta Eta greek LaTeX E Eta greek LaTeX θ Theta greek letter Θ Theta greek letter \theta Theta greek LaTeX \Theta Theta greek LaTeX ι Iota greek letter I Iota greek letter \iota Iota greek LaTeX I Iota greek LaTeX κ Kappa greek letter K Kappa greek letter \kappa Kappa greek LaTeX K Kappa greek LaTeX λ Lambda greek letter Λ Lambda greek letter \lambda Lambda greek LaTeX \Lambda Lambda greek LaTeX μ Mu greek letter M Mu greek letter \mu Mu greek LaTeX M Mu greek LaTeX ν Nu greek letter N Nu greek letter \nu Nu greek LaTeX N Nu greek LaTeX ο Omicron greek letter O Omicron greek letter \omicron Omicron greek LaTeX O Omicron greek LaTeX π Pi greek letter Π Pi greek letter \pi Pi greek LaTeX \Pi 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